Is it possible to smoke yourself to death

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Yes it is, a person who smokes can get sick with lung cancer and eventually die. It’s better not to smoke! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to smoke yourself to death
Is it possible to smoke yourself to death
Yes it is, a person who smokes can get sick with lung cancer and eventually die. It’s better not to smoke!

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How to write a conclusion paragraph?
Q: Increasing deaths due to Cardiovascular Diseases in AmericaWe live in this changing world of 21s and number of deaths has been touched the sky. Have you ever counted how many ambulances you see every week? A person in the ambulance is hanging between life and death and we just say, “It’s just an ambulance going in hurry with loud and awaking sirens and big flashing lights with causing traffic on the road”. How many of them might be dying because of a disease, a heart disease? Every person in America knows at least one person in his life who has Cardiovascular Disease. You may know how it feels when your friend or relative is in that big ambulance and wanting treatment as fast as possible in hospital. When those circumstances arrive than we cannot see anything except the friend who is in dying position and needs good treatment in hospital. Sadly, millions of people in America face a death of their family members somehow, because of the heart disease. The Cardiovascular Disease is increasing in this world causing huge amounts of deaths and it can be reduced by controlling on overweight or obesity, smoking, physical inactivity, diabetes, higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels, gender, heredity, and age. One and may be the first of the major reasons that causes those diseases is smoking. Everyone wants to breathe in clean air but do they even know how much they smoke. Is there any day in your life in which you haven’t seen anybody smoking? Whenever people go somewhere, they are in hurry or just chilling, but, about half of them are smoking and driving at the same time. An estimated 26.2 million men and 20.9 women are smokers and age of 18 and older than 18 in the United States by 2005. And this number mainly leads to having heart disease in those people and turns into deaths. Today, people buy cigarette box first even though they don’t even have enough money to have one healthy meal during lunch. And this finally makes them addicted and causes heart disease. What if they think that if they use one less cigarette every day, than they use right now? What if the government would pass the law against smoking? To make that happen we might can write letter to the government about it. What if smokers would join the health club to reduce their smoking? Would these make difference? Yes, it would defiantly bring change. Another reason for people to have heart disease is obesity or overweight. Everyone wants to be slim and thin to look good, but every 10 out of 25 people in America are overweight. You can see millions of fat and over weighted people in the world around you. Lots of them are suffering lots diseases like high blood pressure level, high cholesterol level, diabetes and so on. About 280,000 adults die in United States and you might know few of them. It also increases risk of coronary artery disease. Physical inactivity, over eating, carelessness might be able to cause the obesity, but only one of these factors cannot cause obesity. Today, people eat because they feel like it, they were bored, it’s a time to eat and their friends are eating and so many other excuses. Have you ever focused on what you are eating and asked a question to yourself that weather you are really hungry or not. Have you ever noticed how much physical activity do you do over the day? Is walking, driving and other housework really good workout for your 190 lbs of body? What if we care, start training and think about our body with having healthy balanced meal every day? Most importantly, heredity and gender also cause people to have Cardiovascular Diseases. Men have very higher risks to have heart disease than women, but after women reach the age of 65 they have about same risks as men do. You have gotten lots of traits from your parents. Due to that, there are more chances to get a heart disease from your parents if your parents have heart disease than someone who doesn’t have anybody with heart disease in his family history. Older age also leads having heart disease. About 4 of every 5 deaths are caused by heart disease in people older than 65. We cannot have any control over heredity, gender or an age, but we can have control over risk factors that increase the chances to get more likely heart disease. Stress, alcohol, birth control pills and sex hormones increases the chances to get heart disease more likely. The way you live, emotional stress, behavior habits, socioeconomic status and other family problems might be able to have stress and stress is not good for the health. Why would people drink alcohol and is there any real acceptable reason for it? Lots of people start drinking at their teenage lives. But, you can avoid it by joining health club or controlling on yourselves. ******NOW****** I don’t understand how to complete the fifth paragraph… pls help me out…Thank You!!! 🙂
A: Restate the thesis, give a short summary of all the paragraphs, and leave a final statement that makes people think about what they read.
How do you deal with the death of your dreams?
Q: Do you try to revive them…and if so, how do you know when “dream CPR” is an option…and how do you do it? Do you try to find new ones instead…and if so, where do you look? Is it possible that dreams involving other people are ill-advised in the first place? After all, I may have had a dream of having someone special to share my life with, but I can’t make someone love me…I may have had a dream of seeing my son succeed in school, but I can’t force him to do the work…I may have had a dream of having a close relationship with my brother, but I can’t force him stop smoking crack and stealing from me and my son….and since this is R&S, I’m curious to know what people think about the death of a Christian’s dreams? I know that the bible says, “delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart?” Is the fact that all my dreams are dying mean that I’m not delighting myself in the Lord?…or is something else going on…perhaps my dreams aren’t really the dreams of my heart and their death will finally reveal my true dreams…the ones I forgot or altered over the years?Thanks for all the wonderful answers so far…you’ve given me a lot to think and pray about… Perhaps I should have provided more details to clarify a few points. I’m not young…I’ll turn 44 in December…and when it comes to “goals” (things I wanted for myself that I could pursue within my own means), my life is totally a blessing…I have a secure job, a nice house, a gifted and loving son…I have no financial worries (except the effect the stock market has had on my retirement savings…but I still have a long way to go to retirement so I’m not overly concerned about that yet). Most of the things I set out to achieve with my life have come true and I give God all the glory for that. My last relationship actually ended two and a half years ago…and I made the difficult decision to cut my brother out of my life a few months later (about two years ago). This wasn’t the first broken relationship…and it wasn’t the first time I cut ties with my brother……and my dreams didn’t die as a result of those events…it is the events since that time that are causing my dreams to die. I hoped and prayed that my brother would finally straighten himself out if I stopped enabling him…and about a month ago I acquired some evidence that nothing has changed…except that he’s now had two years to convince my dad that I’m to blame for everything that happened between us! When my last relationship ended, I still had hope that he would come to his senses and our relationship would work out…or that God would allow me to meet someone else…then he got married to someone else a couple of months ago and no one else has even asked me for a date for more than two years.As for my son, I have tried everything to motivate him…and while I’m aware that most of what we’re going through is quite normal for his age, I’m beginning to believe that the problem is the lack of a father…and I can’t solve that problem!
A: Hey girl.This is so ironic, because just the other day I read an article on by Cliff Young. It was actually entitled “Realizing Your Dreams”. In it, he says, “Many of us don’t understand God’s plan for us, we are perplexed with His timeframe, we don’t realize how God has protected us, and we have difficulty seeing how He is utilizing us.”While he is speaking from the perspective of a single person desiring a relationship, the tenets of his conversational-style article are the same for all types of dreams.While I can’t say that I have a definitive answer for you (I badly want to have one, but I admit I don’t), I can tell you that I am struggling with the same thing in certain areas of my life. I had a relationship with a person that I truly thought God brought into my life for 2.5 years. I dreamt about him before I met him, and even then, I wrote it off because I didn’t believe it, but everything manifested in real life. Except for the ending, that is. He ended up being abusive, possessive and insecure, and with all of his faults, had me so psychologically messed up that I was thinking everything was always my fault. I am now wiser, and realizing that it wasn’t God’s desire for me to be treated that way … there was just no way. Don’t believe that you’re not delighting yourself enough, or God has forgotten you, or you’ve done something wrong. Sometimes in life, especially when we deal with people, others are disobedient to God, WE can be disobedient to God; free will goes a long way. On the relationship front (this is so strange giving you advice in this area, I admit), I would encourage you to continue to make wise choices. Wisdom and trust in God will take you farther than the fickle heart, I guarantee you. God can do more with what looks to be the worst than we can imagine. With regard to your brother … we can share the love of Christ, we can forgive and be open, but sometimes it is best to let God deal with things when you’re putting yourself in a bad situation in order to extend that Christ-like love to someone. It is not God’s will for you to be taken advantage of, and for your child to experience the negativity that comes along with that relationship. We can pray, and take our hands off, ultimately trusting in God’s goodness and his care to provide a solution and the peace for us in order that we *keep* our hands off.Don’t be weary. I’m going to virtually pass you some spiritual Miracle-Gro on those dreams because I don’t want you to give up. I know that’s not in you.I want you to read this article when you get the time, though … keep Isaiah 49:23 posted in a little note in my cubicle at work, and there are many a day when I remind myself that it’s there, and it gives me the second wind I need to finish the day: ” … and then you will know that I am the Lord, those who hope in me will NOT be disappointed.” (Emphasis mine, of course.) Personally, I believe that God is intelligent enough that if we continue to have the same desires, despite seeking God and we don’t hear otherwise, then God means they are definitely for us. We just might be in the wrong space and time, so it’s about yielding to God’s timing. I struggle with that daily, because I am NOT patient. But I am getting better, growing to trust him more as he manifests his goodness in different ways. When I leave my temper tantrum, I have to admit to myself that God really has never ONCE, not one time, ever failed one who believed. And he won’t fail you.
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