Is too much orange juice bad for your liver

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is too much orange juice bad for your liver”,you can compare them.

No, drinking eight ounces of mandarin orange juice a day might have the ability to decrease the risk of developing liver cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is too much orange juice bad for your liver
Is too much orange juice bad for your liver
No, drinking eight ounces of mandarin orange juice a day might have the ability to decrease the risk of developing liver cancer.

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You ever notice that water is the only truly, all-around healthy drink they sell in sueprmarkets?
Q: You ever notice that water is the only truly, all-around healthy drink they sell in sueprmarkets? Sports Drinks (unless your an athlete, avoid them. just as bad as soda)Soda ( even diet soda, with all those preseravatives and chemicals, is bad for you and your system. esp. your teeth. normal soda is junk. nothing but sugar)Milk (it has some essential vitamins good for the body, but has loads of fat and calories. and no, low-fat milk and skim milk are not real drinks, they’re sad things people force themselves to consume believing they are as good as the real thing)Orange Juice and other fruit drinks (a few good vitamins but way too much sugar and empty calories)Beer / Wine ( garbage. tastes horrible unless you are an alcholic. no redeeming value even though junk science tries to make a daily imbibement of such things good for your heart. then again, walking around for 10 minutes is good for your heart too yet doesn’t kill your brain and liver in the process)
A: Yes, sports drinks are virtually useless. My students do nutrition experiments on these drinks to prove that.Sodas are bad. Diet sodas, with artificial sweeteners, are worse. Dark sodas, with the phosphoric acid that makes them dark, are very harmful to your kidneys.Milk can be good. I can’t tell if you’re female, but 1% milk and skin milk are very good ways for ladies of any age to get calcium.Orange juice can be good if it’s 100% juice and not from concentrate. I drink cranberry/pomegranate juice, and it’s 100% juice. It is true, however, that your body treats juice as “food” rather than “liquid”. Juice is not a good hydrator.I like a glass of wine occasionally. Red wine is supposed to be heart-healthy (although the scientific studies keep flipflopping about this) but I prefer white wine. I buy from local wineries to help support them.You didn’t mention tea! Although it stains your teeth and can decrease iron absorption if taken with meals, tea is a reasonably-healthy beverage. I put fresh lemon juice in mine.Water is still the best hydrator. However, people should know that EPA standards for bottled water are the same as for tap water, so the bottled water is often actually tap water. I have a water filter on my refrigerator that helps my water taste better.
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