Pap smear

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The Pap test can tell if you have an infection, abnormal (unhealthy) cervical cells, or cervical cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Pap smear
How long would someone have to be pregnant for a pap smear to sho…?
A Pap smear is a test used to look for changes in the cells of the cervix, not a pregnancy test.
How is a pap smear done?
A pap smear is done by a medical professional. Using a plastic spatula and a small brush, he or she will scrape cells from the surface of the cervix, deep inside the vagina. The cells are then sent to a lab for testing. Look here for more i…
What does an abnormal pap smear mean?
An abnormal pap smear means that you should follow up with your doctor and see if further testing is needed. A pap smear is a screening and can not be used to diagnose a condition.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Pap Smear?
Q: I am going for a check up pap smear tomorrow but I am due for my period on Wednesday is that a problem? Also is it ok to have sex the night before a pap smear? Anything else I need to know?What does douche mean?
A: If you are do to get it on Wednesday, that shouldn’t be a problem. They say that you shouldn’t have sex or douche the night before or day of your pap smear because it could mess with the results.
pap smear?
Q: i recently took a pap smear on january 29th 2008. they called me back about a week and a half after to set an appointment because the doctor need to discuss something with me or possibly do a second pap smear. im really worried if maybe somethings wrong. does anyone have an idea of what the doctor might want to talk to me about?
A: There are many reasons for the dr. to want to talk to you. And many reasons for your pap to come back abnormal. Most of them are cleared up after a second pap. It could be as simple as you just finished your period or had sex the day before the pap. It is probably a preliminary with the dr. Relax
Pap smear?
Q: My mom told be that after you get your period you get a pap smear when you go to your physical, but I though you got it after your were 40. So how old are you when you get your pap smear? What is it? My mom said it was when the doctor puts he/she put their hand up your butt…but why would do that? Wouldn’t there be other ways for checking whatever there checking? And wouldn’t they do that at you gynotist (sp?) examine, which you do when you are either 18 or sexually active (which I am not). Thanks in advance.
A: Pap smears are administered annually in the following cases:Upon turning 18; Upon beginning sexual activity, regardless of age;Upon prescribing hormonal birth control, regardless of age; Upon having severe gynecological problems to help assess treatment options, regardless of age.Pap smear and pelvic exam are essential in assessing vaginal well-being. The pap test examines cell changes to check for possible pre-cancerous problems.A regular doctor can perform a pelvic exam; a gynecologist is usually seen when there are female reproductive issues that need special attention.You can read more here about pelvic exams and pap smears:;_ylt=AoVTRNt9F1o59ffqlfiukDRLvs8F;_ylt=AoDU82lxGcEliGKfp.QTsoVLvs8F;_ylt=Aus3Uu78nVtRtuba0J2Tg4FLvs8F
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