Should I care if I have two moles on my face

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Most moles are harmless, but in rare cases, moles may become cancerous. If your doctor doesn’t think they are a cause for concern, then I would not be worried about them. Some people think moles are cute, like little beauty marks. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should I care if I have two moles on my face
Should I care if I have two moles on my face
Most moles are harmless, but in rare cases, moles may become cancerous. If your doctor doesn’t think they are a cause for concern, then I would not be worried about them. Some people think moles are cute, like little beauty marks. ChaCha on…

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going to the doctor over something stupid?
Q: i have a dew dark flat moles at odd places on my face and two semi-attached moles on my going to the doctor to see if there are ways to get them all removed or faded, and when I told my mom this she just said “ohh nobody cares or notices” and made me feel as if its mostly girls that care this much about how they look. obviously she knows its my decision and isnt going to try and stop me or anything.but the truth is i am self-conscious about them, not to the point where i’m a hermit or anything, but i feel like they do affect my confidence a bit.i just dont want to go to the doctor and come off as somebody whos inquiring about something ridiculous. should I think twice before setting up an appointment or is it perfectly normal for a 19 yea old guy to go to the doctor over something like this?
A: It is completely normal, if you worry or conscious about something you shouldn’t shy away from seeing a doctor. In all cases I think you should have a doctor take a look at the moles in your neck.
going to the doctor over something stupid?
Q: i have a dew dark flat moles at odd places on my face and two semi-attached moles on my going to the doctor to see if there are ways to get them all removed or faded, and when I told my mom this she just said “ohh nobody cares or notices” and made me feel as if its mostly girls that care this much about how they look. obviously she knows its my decision and isnt going to try and stop me or anything.but the truth is i am self-conscious about them, not to the point where i’m a hermit or anything, but i feel like they do affect my confidence a bit.i just dont want to go to the doctor and come off as somebody whos inquiring about something ridiculous. should I think twice before setting up an appointment or is it perfectly normal for a 19 yea old guy to go to the doctor over something like this?
A: i think if you really dont like them then get them removed but be careful some moles can cause cancer its not stupid people have went to the doctor for stupider reasons like freckles those cant be removed or anything so go for it its not stupid
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