What are Cancer weaknesses

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are Cancer weaknesses”,you can compare them.

Cancer Weakness #1: High Oxygen Levels Kill Cancer While Low Oxygen Levels In The Body Breed Cancer. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-cancer-weaknesses ]
More Answers to “What are Cancer weaknesses
What are the strengths are weaknesses of someone with Cancer Merc…?
Mercury rules the mind and how we communicate and think, while cancer rules the home, family, the emotions and memory. As such, a mercury in cancer person would communicate most effectively on the emotional rather then the rational level. T…
Can somebody tell me why Cancer’s weakness is…?
Antagonism-Opposition of a conflicting force. Cancers are sincere about how they feel, but at the same time are not above manipulating folks to get what they want. I think young cancers do this more often than the mature ones. I used to man…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the strengths are weaknesses of someone with Cancer Mercury?
A: Mercury rules the mind and how we communicate and think, while cancer rules the home, family, the emotions and memory.As such, a mercury in cancer person would communicate most effectively on the emotional rather then the rational level. They would be good at explaining and understanding their own as well as other people’s emotions. The down side of this is that they would be less effective in formulating objective opinions, since their emotions would always get in the way of seeing the naked truth. They would have excellent memories, especially when it comes to their own past and their family history. History would be a favorite subject. When it comes to learning, generally, mercury in cancer people learn best when they can feel emotionally engaged in the subject. Without this emotional involvement, they lose interest.
Can somebody tell me why Cancer’s weakness is…?
Q: “Antagonism?”What does that mean? And are they even sincere about how they feel or are they just masters of manipulation? To the point where you just can’t tell?
A: Antagonism-Opposition of a conflicting force. Cancers are sincere about how they feel, but at the same time are not above manipulating folks to get what they want. I think young cancers do this more often than the mature ones. I used to manipulate ppl all the time. Now I don’t because its just not right. Honesty and sincerity for me. U live and learn, maintain a conscious, and remember karma!!
what are the symptoms of cervical cancer?
Q: Is pain in the side and weakness in the legs a symptom of cervical cancer?
A: SymptomsAbnormal cells found on the end of the cervix during a cervical screening test are generally at an “early warning” pre-cancer stage, and do not cause any symptoms. Treating the abnormal cells prevents cancer developing.If abnormal cells do develop into cervical cancer, it can cause symptoms including:abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as between periods or after intercourse smelly vaginal discharge discomfort during intercourse vaginal bleeding after the menopause
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