What are lumps in your breast from

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Fibroadenomas are benign (not cancerous) growths and are very common. These growths most commonly occur in women 30 to 35 MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-lumps-in-your-breast-from ]
More Answers to “What are lumps in your breast from
What are lumps in your breast from
Fibroadenomas are benign (not cancerous) growths and are very common. These growths most commonly occur in women 30 to 35 MORE?
What does a breast lump feel like?
At your age the chances of breast cancer are remote; it’s almost unheard of in under 25s and fewer than 0.1% of all those diagnosed with it are under 30. Only 5% are under 40 and 80% are over 50. Most breast lumps, even in women over 50, ar…
Do breast lumps hurt?
Yes they can hurt. Mine did, but not all the time and it was not cancer and it was solid. I had it 8 years before it was removed. Breast cancer is not usually associated with pain. Papillary carcinoma of the breast, is cancer and can be cys…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you have a lump in the area from your axilla to your breast, what could it be and what are the symptoms?
Q: the lump is small, flesh-colored, and painless. you can move it under your fingers. it appeared on my friend about 2 weeks ago.
A: It can be many things… SHe need to see a doctor.
I recently noticed a lump in my left breast the size of a small grape. Should I be worried?
Q: I had a benign lump removed from the same breast 7 years ago and was told I have fiborcystic disease (condition)…Should I be worrid about the new lump? I can feel the lump but don’t know what a malignant lump feels like. Your help is def. appreciated…
A: i had a benign lump removed too, but it was fibroadenoma (something like that) and i was told that it could grow back, but thank god it hasnt.
When you find a “lump” in your breast, can it be sore? Does that mean anything?
Q: I found a lump in my breast a few weeks ago, and I have a long history of it in my family(My mom is in remision, her mom died from it, etc…) I was told to start getting checked at 30, well, I am 32 next month and have not yet been checked, I have made a dr. appt for next week but I am concerned about the fact that it has become very tender over the last 4-5 days, does that mean anything? I do not want to ask my mom because she will freak out and not drop the issue, so plz someone with knowledge about this issue answer me, and plz do not tell me go to the dr., I already am but I can not get in till next week, I just need some info so that I can know a little bit more about what I am dealing with, I am a little scared, I am only 31 and I have 3 young girls as well.I would just like to say that the 1st answer from bt10 is the rudest thing I have ever heard! People like you should not be allowed to even be here, I hope that you get cancer 1 day, How insensitive can you be, I am asking about possible breast cancer and you think that it is funny to make stupid comments like maybe it is your nipple, I will assume that you are so pathetic that you have never even seen a nipple nor will you ever see one! DO NOT WASTE MY TIME WITH YOUR RUDE4 INSENSATIVE REMARKS!!! YOU ARE A COMPLETE WASTE OF SPACE!!!!! I WISH TERRIBLE THING TO COME YOUR WAY, KARMA ALWAYS COMES BACK!!!!!I would just like to say that the 1st answer from bt10 is the rudest thing I have ever heard! People like you should not be allowed to even be here, I hope that you get cancer 1 day, How insensitive can you be, I am asking about possible breast cancer and you think that it is funny to make stupid comments like maybe it is your nipple, I will assume that you are so pathetic that you have never even seen a nipple nor will you ever see one! DO NOT WASTE MY TIME WITH YOUR RUDE INSENSATIVE REMARKS!!! YOU ARE A COMPLETE WASTE OF SPACE!!!!! I WISH TERRIBLE THING TO COME YOUR WAY, KARMA ALWAYS COMES BACK!!!!!It is not fat or from my period, it is like I have a small golf ball under the skin, You can feel it easily and it has been there for about 4-5 weeks now, I was hoping that it would go away but it is not. I have never had “lumpy breasts” or anything like that, this is new and is not going away.
A: I’m no expert but now that you know it’s there… you’ve probably been feeling it a lot? You might be making it sore. Can you get an appointment any sooner with the doctor? I’d class this as material for an emergency appointment… don’t let someone with hayfever get seen before you! Good luck, keep us posted!
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