What are signs of cancer in a persons head

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Some symptoms of brain cancer are headache, weakness, dizziness, difficulty walking, and seizures. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-cancer-in-a-persons-head ]
More Answers to “What are signs of cancer in a persons head
What can you tell about a person with a sun sign of Gemini and Ri…?
Sun Sign Gemini with Cancer Rising With Cancer rising, others see you as moody. You may seem quite shy, insecure, and super-sensitive. You give off the impression of reacting emotionally to everything, and also appear as someone who is extr…
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When a person is dyeing from cancer, there are usually significant changes in weight and strength. Also as they get closer to death, their vital organs will slowly shut down. You would notice memory loss, lack of walking on their own, they …
Will i be ok in future.I am a cancer signed person.?
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What can I do to make sure there’s no cancer?
Q: Okay, so my mom isn’t really the most health-conscious person I know.I mean, it’s not like she has dirty habits or anything. But if she’s feeling sick or under the weather, she never tells anyone. Literally, she won’t tell anyone until we see her in bed and she has an icepack over her head. We all hate it but it’s something that she won’t change.Recently, a lot of people I know have been coming up positive for some sort of cancer and I started to get worried about my mom.I know that if she felt ill, she would just weather through it. She barely ever goes to the doctor. So if she got any small symptoms of cancer or a tumor, she wouldn’t bother going to a doctor about it and just take some advil and try to sleep it off. I guess she think she’s doing a good thing by not having us worry about her.I’m going to try and talk to her real soon and get herself a check-up.I was wondering if there was anywhere we could go and have a doctor check her for any signs? Or is a simple pediatrician check-up enough?This has been bothering me for a while, so I would really appreciate the help.Thanks a lot.
A: Pedatrician specialize in kids she wants a general practioners. I have seen people with cancer and she could not hide that kind of pain. A physical exam and blood work can spot abnormalities depending on things like age weight smoking/drinking family history enviornmental dr may order additional tests. Nothin u said indicates she has anything wrong. Aroud here physicals cost $50-75 are often covered by insurance plus there are often free clinics that do them as wellWhat it is a simple exam and if that yields any abnormalities they can test further
libra man head over heels in love with an amazingly sweet and sexy Pisces woman PLEASE HELP?
Q: i have just recently discovered this amazing Pisces woman she absolutely melts my heart whenever i set eyes on her. i think i have fallen in love with her and this was even before i spoke a single word to her. She approached me first although i wanted to speak to her but didn’t know how, she is a total mystery to me. She is possibly the sweetest person i have ever met in my whole life. she is cute, has big beautiful eyes, is ultra feminine and i love every moment that i am near her.what i am wanting to know is would i be compatible with this amazing pisces woman. and how can i win her heart I am Libra sun with an Aquarius moon, water signs don’t usually match with air signsbut my rising sign is in Scorpio and i also have Neptune and Jupiter (both of these are the ruling planets of Pisces )residing in my rising sign or first house. my full chart is listed below if it helps.please help i desperately don’t want to mess things up with this girl want to know if it will work with this amazing person. Quite possibly the greatest love of my life. This is the first pisces woman i have really been attracted to and OMG what an attractionPLANETSSun 06° 39′ Libra in 10. houseMoon 10° 45′ Aquarius in 2. houseMercury 00° 11′ Libra in 10. houseVenus 15° 44′ Libra in 10. houseMars 14° 43′ Aquarius in 3. houseJupiter 02° 44′ Sagittarius in 1. houseSaturn 06° 41′ Gemini in 7. houseUranus 14° 08′ Libra in 10. houseNeptune 00° 27′ Sagittarius in 1. housePluto 29° 48′ Virgo in 10. houseVertex 08° 15′ CancerEast Point 26° 12′ SagittariusHOUSESAscendant 20° 41′ Scorpio2nd house 20° 53′ Sagittarius3rd house 11° 20′ Aquarius4th house25° 29′ Pisces5th house 22° 00′ Aries6th house 08° 52′ Taurus7th house 20° 41′ Taurus8th house 20° 53′ Gemini9th house 11° 20′ LeoMidheaven 25° 29′ Virgo11th house22° 00′ Libra12th house08° 52′ Scorpio
A: The truth is, you’ve got everything you need. She’s already approached you. So what do you need astrology for. Get busy before you lose her being an astrology geek.
Frustrated Mars in Cancer?
Q: I suffer from having my Mars in Cancer and my Descendant in in Pisces. This means that I fall head over heals quickly (especially with Venus in 12th house Leo). I tend to repress those feelings and over-analyze them (Virgo Ascendant with Saturn 0° conjunct).The problem is that everytime I like someone, I sidestep everything until I can make sure that the person likes me back (Mars in Cancer). I tend to run from people who show they like me first, then hold onto people that I like. Sometimes, they eventually begin to like me too, almost to the point of obsession, then when I’m ready and I start expressing my feelings back they run off because I’m either: too emotional, too heavy, too hard to read, or not aggressive enough.I’m too nervous to handle N.S.A. intimacy. Even when I try, I back down, or people catch on my nerves, or when I succeed, I become “obsessed” from then on.I have gone years without a relationship, gone 6 months without any intimacy (which is actually difficult for a Mars in Cancer). Worst of all, I’ve scared aware good friends that I have absolutely fallen in love with.The longer I go, the more I feel like there’s a civil war inside of me, tearing me down, because I’m not giving my natal Mars or Venus what they want.* I want to learn how to understand the pattern so that I can break it.* Can someone access their Mars through Aries (my moon sign)?* What ways can someone resolve the issues that this placement gives?For reference:Aug. 12, 1979 @ 8:40 AM34N30 32W22Wrong location (sorry):94W44 32N30Additionally, whenever another leaves, I do tend to immerse myself in work until I make myself sick. I have started breaking this pattern, instead forcing myself to exercise for hours to forget everything, but it’s still a lot of the same.
A: LOL i’m like that “I sidestep everything until I can make sure that the person likes me back (Mars in Cancer). I tend to run from people who show they like me first, then hold onto people that I like.”HAHA.bless you i wish i could help you, but i have venus in aries..so i am a bit more agressive than u in relationships but i can be obsessive too.haha going a month without sex is bad enough for me, i seem to be agressive when it comes to intimacy even though i have mars in cancer.all i can say is just be a little more agressive try not to show that you are becoming obsessive be cool and laid back like me.
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