What are some harmful effects of smoking

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some harmful effects of smoking”,you can compare them.

One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-harmful-effects-of-smoking ]
More Answers to “What are some harmful effects of smoking
It is almost surprising to find out how many people still smoke with all of warnings out today. Half of all smokers will die from their habit, most of them will be in middle age. Smoking can lead to cancer, blood clots, heat attacks, stroke…
basically they caus respiratory diseases and damage your lungs the most, also your kidney, heart, and brain. Even a couple of years of smoking is harmful, but then again it matters on how much you smoked. For example: a pack a day for 2 yea…
It is very important for people to know how dangerous smoking is. Every year thousands of people die as a result of smoking. Smoking also contributes to cancer which is another cause for the death of a large number of people. Cigarettes con…

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What is something people can do to offset the harmful effects of smoking?
Q: I have a nephew that just started smoking and I want to know about some things I can suggest to him that might offset the negative effects of smoking…maybe some food or exercise options or other things…Thanks for the help
A: get yourself a giant bubble…then move all your stuff in and set up camp.
Do you smoke Hookah? I’m interested in finding out harmful effects?
Q: I’m interested in finding out harmful effects. Granted, anything but oxygen is bad for your lungs. But there is a lot of hookah bars booming everywhere and its a new thing nowadays. I love smoking it and i did some minor research on the minor effects to your body. What are your thoughts? THanks!
A: The hookah was invented in India by a physician during the Mughal reign as a purportedly less harmful method of cannabis use. I am from India.Its not as harmful as cigarette 30 minutes smoking hookah = 1 cigarette.Occasionally it does minimal harm.Hookah smoking can lead to a nicotine addition, which is one of the worst kinds of additions because it is socially acceptable in our societyHookah smoking can lead to a nicotine addition, which is one of the worst kinds of additions because it is socially acceptable in our societythe mouthpieces are meant to prevent the transfer of germs, but many customers do not request them. hookah smoke is less harmful than cigarette smoke because hookah smoke contains no tar and less nicotine.tobacco that contains 0.05 percent nicotine in 25 bowls or 250 grams of tobacco, no tar and molasses,”In 70 puffs there is about a half a gram of nicotine,In one regular cigarette, the amount of nicotine ranges between approximately 0.001 grams and 0.002 grams, according to the American Cancer Society Web site.Will Hild, a 21-year-old UF political science major, also regularly smokes from hookahs.Like Saini, Hild said he enjoys the social aspects of smoking, but in contrast, Hild said he has also experienced some undesirable consequences of smoking hookah.Hild said that if the hookah is not prepared correctly, if it burns too ashy or too quickly and the smoke is darker, it can cause coughing.”The next morning you might wake up and feel like it’s allergy season, and your nasal passages might be clogged,” Hild said.Hild said he once stayed up late and smoked his hookah for six hours, which caused his throat to get scratchy.He said the experience stopped being pleasurable.”It’s obvious that it’s something to do in moderation or you might give yourself lung cancer,” said Hild, who has been a hookah user since 2004. “I can go without it, but its something that I enjoy.”People smoke hookahs far less infrequently then regular smokers smoke cigarettes (for obvious reasons), which helps.
Is smoking marijuana more harmful in the first 20 weeks or last 20 weeks of pregnancy?
Q: Obviously it’s not good for anyone no matter what, but medically speaking, would the mother smoking marijuana it be more harmful to the fetus during the first or last half of the pregnancy?Some people believe it has no effect at all and some swear it causes autism and major birth defects. Studies on it are inconclusive, but I was wondering if anyone here had insight on this?
A: I know I’m probably going to get dogged for answering this but i don’t think smoking pot is anymore harmful then smoking tobacco probably less because cigarettes have tons of added poisons that pot does not. But it probably isn’t the best thing to do while pregnant. you just never know. smoked pot everyday with my first and he’s healthy and fine. Know alot of people that smoked while pregnant too and their kids are fine. Pot is natural from the earth but your baby is a gift too.
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