What are some symptoms of cancer in children

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Some symptoms of cancer in children might include fever, frequent infections, bone pain, night sweats, vomiting, and headaches. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-symptoms-of-cancer-in-children ]
More Answers to “What are some symptoms of cancer in children
What are some symptoms of cancer in children
Some symptoms of cancer in children might include fever, frequent infections, bone pain, night sweats, vomiting, and headaches.
Does my child have symptoms of cancer?
Finding another opinion would not be a bad idea. The symptoms you describe do not sound familiar but everyone displays different symptoms. If you feel something is wrong pursue a different doctor, find a children’s hospital near you if poss…
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Date commemorate February 15 as the Children’s Cancer Day International, to remind all of us will be the increasing cases of childhood cancer. An estimated 2-4% of overall cancer attack children. Although these numbers appear small, but con…

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Need help knowing what breast cancer………?
Q: I could use some help in knowing what are some symptoms of breast cancer…I’ve read that differenct people have varied signs..Can anyone out there with personal experience share with me how you first detected anything please…I have large breasts and have nursed four children. I’m ashamed to say that as grown woman, it’s hard for me to tell what is supposed to be there and what isn’t. Had a mammogram 6/06′ and there was something that showed slightly. Enough to warrant the doctor wanting me to do a followup in 6 months. Just had another one this week after having pain in two areas of one of my breasts.Thanks for your help!
A: OK, first the symptoms of breast cancer. .Early breast cancer may have no symptoms at all; signs and symptoms of possible breast cancer are:change in size – one breast may have become noticeably larger or lowernipple change – if it becomes inverted (pulled in) or changes its position or shaperash – on or around the nippledischarge – from one or both nipplespuckering or dimpling – around nippleswelling – in your armpit or around your collarbone (from lymph nodes)lump or thickening – that feels different from the rest of the breast tissue – but remember that most breast lumps are not cancerousconstant pain – in one part of your breast or in your armpit.My personal experience was finding a lump, which I did nothing about for some time; my excuse was I had always heard and read that breast cancer lumps are not painful, and this one was. I finally went to the doctor when I noticed the nipple on the affected breast had changed shape – from an O to an 8 is the best way of describing that change in writing. Sure enough, it was cancer.There are known risk factors for developing breast cancer; some are preventable and some not. While they ARE just risk factors, and obviously women who have none of these get breast cancer, and many who tick most of the boxes never get breast cancer, you will see that your risk has been reduced by bearing and breastfeeding four children. Large breasts are not a risk factor.The known risk factors are:Getting older; this is the biggest risk factor – 80% of those diagnosed with it are over 50.Genetic – but only 5-10% of breast cancers are genetic/hereditaryHaving children at an older age or not at all. The more children a woman has may also slightly lower her risk. Breast-feeding helps protect against the disease. The longer a woman breastfeeds her children, the more she lowers her risk.Starting periods at a younger than average age (under 12) or having a late menopause (after 55).Taking the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) causes a small increase in risk. However, the risk gradually returns to normal after you stop taking them.Being overweight (especially after the menopause).Regularly drinking more than 1 unit of alcohol per day slightly increases the risk of breast cancer.Having a previous diagnosis of breast cancer increases the risk of developing a new cancer in the other breast.I hope the results of your mammogram and any other tests you have are good.
breast cancer worry,please help with some advice?
Q: HiI am a little worried and would like some advice.My right breast is tender and sometimes feels like a crushing pain which spreads to just under my shoulders,it is sore to the touch but is not always painful.The nipple on my right breast is also very tender and i can not bear to touch it and also the colour of my nipple has changed and is a little darker than the left nipple,it is like a bruised colour.I have no lumps on or around my breast,nipple or underarm but i am so very worried that i have breast cancer,do you think this is what i could have?I am a 29 year old married mum of 3 children and i am very worried,i do not smoke and hardly ever drink but i am currently 26 weeks pregnant but i have had these symptoms since before i got pregnant but in the last few months they have got worse.I know you are unable to diagnose me but given what i have told you,i am hoping you will be able to give me some percentage of if you think i could have breast cancer.many thanks
A: Breast cancer does not sound likely, but something is not right.I would have just said hormones, except you state it was there prior to the pregnancy.You would be having regular check-ups (I would expect) as part of your ante-natal care. Mention this to the Dr at your next check-up and ask for either a diagnosis or referral, just in case!
Is computer radiation harmful to kids and teens?
Q: Hey everyone, I am a 13 year old girl and i have a few questions concerning radiation that comes from common day things like radios, computers, cell phones, and televisions.I will start off by telling you about my use of said technologies .2 years ago my father purchased me a call phone, I used it WAY too much, every day for like 3 hours, sometimes while it was recharging, so this summer, late summer, i heard how it caused brain cancer, so in fear i stopped using it, i also realized that i didn’t need a cell phone. So instead of gabbing on my cell, i gabbed on my home telephone , this Ive done for two years and i still do today, the only problem is the fact that it is a cordless telephone, so it is somewhat similar to the cell. NOW im terrified of brain cancer, some people had side effects from cell phones, ie. headaches, nausea , i never had these side effects from a phone.now on to computers and tvs my whole life i was surrounded by televisions, and the past few years all i really did was watch tv for hours and hours, or go on my computer for like 6 hours a day sometimes, recently i read that radiation comes off of monitors and tvs, and it may increase your risk of Cancer, so my excessive use of technology for hours and hours of TV and computer, and telephone have concerned me about radiation sickness.another point is that i read if you watch tv or go on the computer and turn off the unit, it still radiates, throuh wallsand anything. so i am terrified that i may have developed cancer…i live in a small apartment so people above me below my and around me may have radiaton as well, so it goes through my walls and radiats on me.some symptoms of sickness is dry skin and radiation, i have bothmy mom says it is because i dpntdrink enough, i dont only like 1 bottle a day, and my skin is dry becuse of it..so my questions are:1.am i at a higher risk of cancer?2.if the power if oss, does it still radiate and if i sleep right after computer or tv actions what effects may it bring?3.if i stop darastically, will my riskgo down?4.what about all the kids who stay even longer than i do?are they at risk?5.are the radiation waves that come off technology have enough strength to harm a human being?6.i am a child what abou tthat?oesthat change effects of things?7.does anyone have any tips?and one point to make, it is kind of a paradox, technologie can make you sick, but in question it can make you better, doctors and hospitals use computers and technolohie to findcures and make you better..what about that?sorry for a lon question , ill come back in 1 day to see what have started to come, thanks and please excusemy paranoia and long paragraph of nonsence.why would people sell cancer causing things to innocent people?
A: I had a friend with a disorder called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome. She told me this condition made it so she absorbed radiation into her bones and when she even so much as bumped her knee, this would release some of the build up radiation into her tissue and cause immense swelling and redness and she often had to have a nerve block to deal with the pain, because there is no treatment and no cure. It would also cause the cranial bones to separate on her head. Beyond that, I am pretty sure the average joe does not have this issue except when it comes to long term cell phone use. The studies I’ve read said cancer showed up after 10 years of excessive use. And yes all those electronic devices do emit low levels of radiation, and the largest of those is the TV. Computer monitors are made differently so that you can sit closer without worrying about radiation. TV are made so you don’t sit too close, but if you do, you can be exposing yourself to too much.These devices all stay on even when they are turned off, but newer devices will now have a chip that actually completely shuts it off when you turn it off, more so because of the cost of the wasted electricity than the harm from radiation.I hope that helps.
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