What are ten things your weight won’t tell you

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Weight doesn’t tell you if you have high cholesterol, high/low blood pressure, diabetes, too much body fat, a failing heart, cancer, a tumor or deficiencies. Keep doin the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-ten-things-your-weight-won%27t-tell-you ]
More Answers to “What are ten things your weight won’t tell you
What are ten things your weight won’t tell you
Weight doesn’t tell you if you have high cholesterol, high/low blood pressure, diabetes, too much body fat, a failing heart, cancer, a tumor or deficiencies. Keep doin the ChaCha!

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Did any of you normal-weight women gain less than twenty pounds during your pregnancy or pregnancies?
Q: I live in Finland but lived in the United States a long time ago for many years. In America, prenatal doctors seem to put the highest standard on how much weight a woman gains during her pregnancy, so much that it makes me sick. Why is it that America seems to have the highest recommended weight gain for pregnancy than any other country in the world? Pretty much every American prenatal doctor would tell a patient of normal weight prior to pregnancy to gain at least twenty-five pounds by her ninth month, and swears up and down that all sorts of bad things will happen to the baby if she doesn’t gain at least that much. However, in Scandinavia, nearly every prenatal specialist I’ve ever talked to assures me that it’s perfectly fine and acceptable for a woman of normal, or even slightly underweight, BMI before pregnancy to gain only about fifteen pounds by the ninth month, or even less, and that no women should ever gain more than thirty pounds, especially when carrying only one baby. So, but I was just wondering, is there anyone out there, who was of normal weight before pregnancy, to gain no more than twenty pounds throughout her pregnancy? Why do American doctors usually recommend such a high weight gain in pregnant women? Finland also seems to have a far lower rate of overweight mothers and gestational diabetes than the United States does, from what I understand, and every doctor I’ve ever talked to tells me that it must be mostly because the majority of Scandinavian women don’t gain over about twenty-five pounds during their pregnancies, and sometimes even only eight to ten pounds before the baby is carried to term and born, and yet the babies are all of a perfectly acceptable birth weight. In the States, it seems like all the doctors want their patients to gain a lot of weight mostly because they feel as though the baby won’t be big enough, or something, and in Scandinavia most doctors claim that if you gain less weight (but don’t starve yourself, just exercise and try to stay healthy in other ways) the baby absorbs nutrients better. What do any of you think about this?Note: I don’t want to sound mean, but please, no thoughtless or illiterate people need to make any comments, rude remarks or answers to this question. I don’t want anyone to tell me that I’m generalizing in this kind of thing, either, because I’m just not. I’m just wondering if anyone out there has gained no more than twenty pounds throughout her pregnancy, and has seemed to see her baby and her own body benefit from it.I also simply don’t want to hear anyone say that women who gain less than twenty-five or thirty pounds during pregnancy are selfish and/or vain. That doesn’t have to be true, and oftentimes I don’t think it is. Every pregnant woman’s main goal is to have a healthy baby, but I believe that it’s of equal importance for the mother to stay as healthy and fit herself as possible before giving birth and after.
A: Hi, I am not sure about why there are those different standards for pregnancy weight gain between countries.But I think weight gain during pregnancy has been figured out from averages and considering the biological and physical changes in the woman’s body and growth of baby.Personally, I had three children. I gained only 6 kilos with the first one, 8 kilos with the second and 6 with the third.Yes I agree with what you said in the end there. For example, I got a lot of lip from my mother in law saying nonsense to me about not “feeding the baby”. I was eating healthy and enough for my baby and he was growing fine. I was NOT over eating thus I didn’t gain too much weight. I took my prenatal vitamins and had a happy pregnancy. But it seemed like people looked at me like I was doing a crime by not looking so huge with my pregnancies!!
Would you read a book with this begining?
Q: As I watched my five year old daughter, Lexi, and her twin brother, Aaron, sleep, I think of the day they were born. Unexpected, but loved by me. My mom didn’t want them, but I did. My mom wanted them up for adoption, not me. As I stare at my beauties, I think of the day they were born.“Hey mom, what time is it?” I ask my mom. “Don’t worry we still have time to make the party.” she reassures me as she plays with my long dark brown hair. “How is Amanda anyway. I haven’t seen her in a while. How is her mom?” I rolled my eyes at my moms questions. “Fine.” “Ok I won’t ask again. I get it.” my mom laughed.I head outside to the car, panting as I started to run so not to get wet as it started raining. I was panting by the time I got to the car which was, like, five feet from the door. That was bad. I needed to start working out. I had gained a lot a weight in the past few months. I was huge! I got in the front seat and waited for my mom to get in. She finally got in and started the car.“Say, is the party inside or outside?” my mom asked.I rolled my eyes, it was becoming my signature, again. “It’s at the Community Center which has, like, only one pool. And it’s inside.”“My mom started counting to ten, something I never understand. Maybe it’s a mom thing. I’d probably never know. Halfway through the drive to the party I started getting pains in my stomach. Oh no, not again. It hurts when it starts up. And I don’t even know what causes it! I gripped my stomach when a really bad on came. My mom looked at me with worry in her eyes. “Is your stomach acting up again?” she sounded really worried. “Yeah, but it’s ok. It’ll pass. It always does.” I tried to smile but the pain made it impossible. “Maybe I should take you to the doctor.” she said to herself.“No! I want to go to the party! I’m fine, really. Please can’t I go to the party?” She thought about it for a while. “If your stomach starts to hurt tell me and I’ll take you to the doctor. You shouldn’t be swimming with a hurt stomach. You could drown.” I knew that and I doubted my stomach would hurt again today. It usually only does this once a day. So I had no worries. We finally got to the party. And I forgot all about my stomach. I ran up to Amanda and the rest of my friends. I handed her my present, knowing she would like it. It was a bead set. She had been talking about wanting one all week. We opened presents first. When she opened mine, she squealed as loud as a pig and jumped up and down. It was really, really funny. Before she finally sat down she hugged me real hard around the stomach. I felt a pain but it was gone as soon as it had came so I left no thought to it. After we opened presents we ate some cake and played in the rec room to wait off the food. We changed into our swimsuits and everyone started to pile into the pool. Not wanting to get wet right away I headed for the shallow end of the pool. I took one step into the water and started to scream. and dont say you need to indent because it won’t let me on yahoo answers.I’m adding more as I write. That was just the first part and wanted to know if people would read that first part. It get really actiony after she starts screaming.
A: yea i’d probably read it if it had some action in it and i know i’ve said this about a million times to alot of people on Yahoo Answers but don’t put any of your stories online. People can go in and copy your idea then if you ever get it published they can go right around and say that it was their idea from the start. If they’re really good they can make it look as though you actually DID steal their idea and you won’t have any way to prove that it was yours. And don’t believe any of the crap people try and sell like ,”Wow! Great story! You know I’d really like to read the rest. Would you mind emailing it to me?” ooooooorrrrrrrr anyone who says that their a publisher and would like to read your story. If they can’t prove it then don’t believe it.
Rate the joke out of ten?
Q: (REVOCABLE AT ANY TIME) NOTE – This application will be Incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a complete financial statement, job history, lineage, and current medical report from your doctor. 1. NAME:_____________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _______________ 2. HEIGHT:___________ WEIGHT: ______IQ: ________GPA: ______ 3. SOCIAL SECURITY #: ___________DRIVERS LICENSE #: _________ 4. BOY SCOUT RANK:_______________________________________ 5. HOME ADDRESS: ________________CITY: _________ ZIP ______ 6. Do you have one MALE and one FEMALE parent? Yes____ No_______ If NO, explain: ________________________________________________ 7. Number of years parents married: ___________8. DO YOU OWN A VAN? ____ A TRUCK WITH OVERSIZED TIRES OR CAMPER SHELL? ____ WATERBED? _____ MOTORCYCLE? _____ TATOO? ____ COLOR ALTERED HAIR? ___ (IF YES TO ANY PART OF #8, DISCONTINUE APPLICATION AND LEAVE PREMISES IMMEDIATELY) 9. In 50 words or less, what does “Late” mean to you? _________________________________________________________10. In 50 words or less, what does “DO NOT TOUCH MY DAUGHTER” mean to you? _________________________________________________________11. In 50 words or less, what does “ABSTINENCE” mean to you? _________________________________________________________12. What church do you attend? ________________ How often do you attend? ____/ week 13. When would be the best time to interview your father, mother, priest or pastor? ____________ 14. Fill in the blanks: Please answer freely – all answers are confidential (That means I won’t tell anyone – I promise): A. If I were shot, the last place on my body I would want to be wounded is in the _____________ B. If I were beaten, the last bone I would want broken is my _____________ C. A women’s place is in the __________________D. The one thing I hope this application does not ask me about is ____________________ E. When I first meet a girl, the first thing I notice is _____________________ (NOTE: If the answer to “E” begins with a B, T, or A, discontinue and leave the premises immediately with your head hung low.) 15. What do you want to be IF you grow up? _________________________ 16. Do you plan to attend a Catholic or Christian College? _________ Which one? ____________ I SWEAR THAT ALL INFORMATION SUPPLIED ABOVE IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT, NATIVE AMERICAN ANT TORTURE, CRUCIFIXION, ELECTROCUTION, CHINESE WATER TORTURE, AND RED HOT POKERS. _____________________ Signature (That means sign your name)Thank you for your interest. Please allow four to six years for processing. You will be contacted in writing if you are approved. Please do not try to call or write (this action will void this application). If your application is rejected you will be notified by two angels wearing red suits and carrying pitch forks. (You might want to start praying now).
A: I think it’s cool! Thanks for the laugh!
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