What are the 5 long term effects of alcohol

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5 long term effects of alcohol abuse are cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, brain damange, inflammation of the pancreas,and cancer [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-5-long-term-effects-of-alcohol ]
More Answers to “What are the 5 long term effects of alcohol
What are 5 Long-term effects of alcohol?
・ Looking stupid ・ Dying in a car accident
What are the long term negative side effects of consuming alcohol?
Weight gain, high blood pressure, liver disease, and even cancer are long term side effects of consuming alcohol. ChaCha
Does drinking alcohol have long-term effects on vision??
http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/faqs.htm#12 The CDC says women who drink about 4 drinks at a time are binge drinking. It has a lot of health implications and risks. It says that people who have a regular pattern of binge drinking are alcohol abu…

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Q: on thanksgiving i woke up in an extreme amount of pain and i knew i was destined for the emergency room, i am 17 years old and on turkey day i was to have my appendix removed. i am what you would call a drug user. i have tried alot of entheogens and ethnobotanicals, alcohol, some benzodiazepines, some weak opioids, and that’s it. i never touched pot though. anyway i always romanticized the use of opium, morphine, heroin, and other painkiller derivatives as a martyrdom and a very self sacrificing way to live. “the death of pain” or so i thought. when you ask me to describe my pain, i always think there could be something worse happening to me, so i can never give a well communicated idea of what i am feeling. on thanks giving day i was arguably in more pain that i have ever been in ever. when i got to the ER and i got the god aweful news, i was given an anti-inflamitory, and then i was given a shot of morphine directly into my vein. i felt a rush almost immediately that some junkies describe better than sex (i don’t really agree, but i’m also a virgin), and granted i felt better, i didn’t think there was any going back after what had just happened, that i had used something awefully close to heroin, that i didn’t feel like i did when i used to romanticize it, and now i was here, alone in a room with a head full of morphine. i was moved to a new room and was given a second shot about 4 hours later, i was still in a large amount of pain and said **** it, i may as well take the rush again and relax before surgery, but it was given in the muscle and it game on very slow. there was no rush or much relief. before surgery i asked my doctor for something stronger if he wouldn’t inject into the iv anymore, i suggested fentanyl and he volunteered dilauded (name brand hydromorphone, 4-8x stronger than morphine) into the muscle, but it didn’t do much as i was in excruciating pain after surgery. i got about 4 more of those shots over the night and then they started giving me 2, 5 mg percocets every four hours for a day which seem to give better relief than the hcl meds i was getting before. right now i’m out of the hospital with a script for the percocets as well as a stool softener. my short term memory as well as my attention span have diminished and i feel like a moron. i have about 24 more percs that are supposed to last me a few more days. i thought i might be getting addicted to pain meds so i took a break last night a went to sleep in pain, but when i woke up i took some more. i ams tarting to feel bad about all the drugs i have taken for recreational purposes and how i’ll never be with the girl i love because i have become such a goddamn junky. right now i have track marks running up and down my arms from the shots, a general warmth from the painkillers and an ambigious feeling of dread in the future i cannot seem to shake. opiates really aren’t my type of drug anyway. what long term effects with this week have on my life?
A: The effects of your drug use are quite substantial.You will suffer from possible organ failure, and significant brain damage. If you overdose it could shut your heart down including many of your vital organs. I highly recommend seeking professional help. You need to work to have no dependence on these drugs. I hope you seek the proper help, otherwise it could kill you. It is truly life and death.
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Q: Could anyone please tell me the long term affects of being an alcholic? If you drink very heavily for 10 years or so and have given up for 10 years, I mean completely teetotal, what effects are you likely to have suffered? I cannot find this information anywhere. Assuming you feel fine and there are no obvious signs of your alcoholism, does your body ever totally recover from the abuse or is there likely to be lasting damage that will surface later on? If anyone knows anything about this, I would really appreciate it, perhaps even the way your body recovers from alcoholism 1 year, 5 years 10 years and so on after you have stopped drinking.
A: Those who often drink too much run a high risk of suffering physical damage. The level of damage depends on the amount. The organs that are used for the absorption and digestion of alcohol, like the stomach, the liver and the pancreas, are vulnerable. The brain also suffers from continuous abuse.The liver is an important organ for the breakdown of alcohol. Excessive alcohol use can cause fatty degeneration of the liver, causing so-called fatty liver. Liver research has shown that probably more than half of the alcohol addicts have fatty liver. This can cause nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, loss of weight and fever. After stopping alcohol use, the liver can recover from fatty liver.The most known incurable liver disorder caused by alcohol abuse is liver cirrhosis. Other frequent diseases of the organs are gastritis (infection of the mucous membrane of the stomach) and inflammation of the pancreas. Gastritis can cause stomach bleeding; inflammation of the pancreas causes lower absorption of nutrients, causing, among others, loss of weight.Several investigations have found a relation between excessive alcohol abuse and cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus, especially with drinkers who also smoke. Heavy drinkers also run a higher risk of contracting cancer of the liver and the large intestine. Women who drink a lot have a higher risk of breast cancer.Brain damage, like Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome can occur.The list of disorders caused by alcohol abuse is so long that we cannot mention them all.
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A: depends on the duration. if your talking about doing it everyday over a span of 10 plus years then there are a lot of health problems associated. Liver problems, digestive problems, cardiovascular problems, and risk of developing alcoholism (actual physical dependence on alcohol) are all risks. Everyone’s body is different though and what might hurt one person might not hurt the next or it might hurt them in a different way. Ive heard of people drinking a case of beer a day for 30 years and not developing many problems and Ive also heard of people drinking that much for only 8-10 years and developing cirrhosis of the liver. Bottom line, dont drink that much..and if you do don’t make it a habit. Occassionally probably wont hurt u.
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