What are the downside of smoking alcohol

Health related question in topics Illicit Drugs .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the downside of smoking alcohol”,you can compare them.

Cancers caused by smoking alcohol. Lung problems could result from inhaling alcohol on dry ice or ‘ smoking alcohol ‘. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-downside-of-smoking-alcohol ]
More Answers to “What are the downside of smoking alcohol
What are the downside of smoking alcohol
Cancers caused by smoking alcohol. Lung problems could result from inhaling alcohol on dry ice or ‘ smoking alcohol ‘.

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What’s the upside of underage smoking, drinking alcohol and doing drugs?
Q: Although politically incorrect, our society as a majority takes the negative side towards these substances, forgetting the positives. Before my son makes his decision, would you please give the upsides of underage smoking et al? We already know the downsides, please and thank you.Honest opinions will help a lot, but if I see the downsides to smoking are slightly biased in the answers, I will consider them satirical and let my son begin using and possessing these substances.Thank you for your time in what has proved to be an easy issue thanks to Yahoo Answers!Are you implying that the use of these substances will cause my child academic troubles?That only strengthens my resolve, woman.
A: smoking doesnt help you for anything, except weed then the high feels good and helps with stress. drinking has effects on kidneys and fucks with your performance in sports. drugs r just plain to fuck with your body
I want to get into shape and eat healthily any tips you can share.?
Q: ok im 19 year old male about average height and weight i want some help getting muscle Definition on my arms body and legs but i cant afford to go to the gym i have weights and a barbell though.i don’t smoke drink alcohol or take drugs i try and eat healthily when i can but every time i get motivated to start training i work hard on the weights sit ups push ups for a few weeks but my body doesn’t seem to change at all i feel stronger but i don’t see any Definition so i lose the motivation.Also i cant put weight on as i have been told i may have a high metabolism does this have something to do with it is this a good thing or bad can you please explain the benefits and downsides thanks also what types of healthy foods are the best for weight training.any answers or suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks
A: drink lots of water, and eat regularly. don’t starve yourself, because once you start eating again, you’ll gain everything back, trust me.eat lots of fruits and veggies, and if you eat bread, make sure it’s whole grain. white bread is pretty fattening. you can also eat lean meats, like fish, turkey and chicken breast.skip out on sweets, candy, sugary foods, chips, ice cream, cake, and cookies.if you feel hungry, but don’t want to over eat, chew gum. it’ll keep your mouth busy and it tricks yourself into thinking your eating.cut out ALL soda! if you stop drinking soda, it helps you out a lot!and don’t forget to exercise!try walking, jogging, jump rope, dancing, bike riding and swimming. try exercising for 45-80 minutes a day.good luck!
Why is marijuana illegal?
Q: Now before people start quoting the classic Reefer Madness flick, I’d just like to ask why is marijuana illegal? I’ve read stories of a politician running a smear campaign on the plant to help win election, among many other things as well. What I can’t quite wrap my head around is why, with so many advocates and supporters for the plant, why is marijuana illegal? Think of how many people smoke marijuana per day, and think of how much tax-free money they’re spending to smoke marijuana. The amount of money the government could collect would easily be in the billions per year.My personal standpoint is farm it, roll it up, and make nice pack of Marlboro 420’s. Sell it for oh $10.00 a pack and tax it like you would cigarettes. Sell baggies in Walmarts nationwide, treat it like you would alcohol being you can’t smoke in public, you can’t smoke and drive, you can’t drive or operate machinery under the influence, and purchasing for minors harbors the same consequence. The age can be 18 or 21, (I’m leaning towards 18 due to the fact that you are a free, taxpaying adult.) and best of all, no more medical marijuana only dispensaries. Now the ill and the public can purchase where ever they please. I see no real downside to it, and I could make huge list of all the good it will bring, but I wont do that to all you people.Also, before you make a comment on it being a gateway drug. I’ve been smoking weed for 12 years now, and have had zero desire or urge to do anything else. I’ve been offered coke, shrooms, LSD, the works, and turned each down. It’s the people, not the drug.So now, I ask all you good people; Why is marijuana illegal?
A: Because the US is a democracy, and most people WANT it that way.Change their minds, and it will take less than a year to legalize.
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