What are the urinary symptoms

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The urinary symptoms of Ovarian cancer would be an urgent feeling of going, or having to go frequently. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-urinary-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What are the urinary symptoms
What are the symptoms of urinary reflux
Urinary reflux causes a strong, persistent urge to urinate; a burning sensation when urinating; and passing frequent, small amounts of urine. ChaCha!
What are the symptoms of a urinary tract infection?
In most cases if you have a urinary tract infection you will experience stronge urges to urinate almost like you can never hold it and only let out a few drops. You may also experience a burning sensation when you do urinate and some people…
Does it really work? dog and cat urinary tract infection symptoms…?
PetAlive UTI-Free has been very effective with a very high success rate. We get an extremely high reorder rate on the product, indicating that our customers are very satisfied with it. In fact, it has been sold to literally thousands of cus…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What conditions could cause urinary symptoms similar to enlarged prostate in men?
Q: For years now, I’ve had many of the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Difficulty starting, weak stream, getting up at night, and going frequently. I haven’t experienced any pain associated with this. I recently had a prostate exam and also the blood test for prostate cancer, both of which were negative. My doctor gave me a prescription to knock out any possible bladder infection, but that didn’t change anything. Is there any other condition that could cause these symptoms? I’m a fit 33 year old, no immediate family history of prostate cancer. I drink about 16 oz of coffee in the morning, and then plenty of tea and water throughout the day. I excercise 5 evenings a week, and drink a moderate amount of water afterwards. I think this may explain the frequency but don’t know about other symptoms.
A: I’m a nurse. Your muscles are weak in this area, this is the result. I wouldn’t worry but try to drink fluids in moderation. This could also contribute to your problem. Tea and/coffee can make the muscles weak as well. I hope this helps you. Take care and all the best.
what’s the difference in symptoms of urinary tract infection and kidney stones?
Q: I’ve looked at the symptoms of both and it looks like the symptoms are pretty much the same. How would one know if it’s just a UTI or if it’s actually kidney stones (before you call the doctor, of course)
A: in case of renal stone the patient complain of sever colicky pain with radiation of the pain to the groins, genitalia, thigh and the knee ,,fever is rare associated symptoms is sweating and nausea and vomitingin case of UTI ,, the pain is not colicky and it is ill-defined …. high fever(important)you can differentiate it from the nature of pain and the presence or absence of fever god bless
what are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?
Q: i don’t think i have one, but i’m not sure. i am twelve years old and ever since i can remember i started having really really painful stinging feelings in my vagina. like it hurts SO bad. i’ve been to the doctor when i was younger many times, and the doctor said nothing was wrong. i dont have any of the symptoms, other than the stinging. could it still be a UTI?
A: symptoms of an UTI include pain on urination and feeling that you have to urinate even after you’vejust gone. if you have pain , something is wrong. i suggest you see a urologist. you may have to see more than one to find an answer.
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