What can a bump in the throat be

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The most common causes of a neck or throat mass in younger patients include the following: bacterial or viral infections. In older patients also include cancer, mononucleosis, HIV, TB, or benign cysts. Have it checked out. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-a-bump-in-the-throat-be ]
More Answers to “What can a bump in the throat be
What is this bump on the back of my throat?
it might be an ulcer. it’ll hurt like crazy, but pretty much the only thing that heals it is time.
Why is this bump on my throat?
try not eating anything that may be of a citrus nature…that would sting it. it could be a precursor to a cold like enlarged lymph node? i really can’t say but i would lay off the oranges or else u’ll irritate it more.
Is it normal for a bunny to have a round bump on her throat??
Dear Amanda, Is the bump hard or soft? If you are referring to the dewlap, the soft, fleshy fold of skin under the chin, then that’s normal. But it’s not normal for any bunny to have a hard lump anywhere on the body. If in doubt, bring the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Guinea Pig has large bump on throat?
Q: I noticed it a few days ago. It is almost like a Adam’s Apple on a human. But it is hard and quite large. It is a little bald and might be smelly. I can’t tell if it is just him or the lump that stinks. He is acting COMPLETELY normal and is showing now signs of pain. You can touch the lump and he doesn’t care at all. He has not lost any weight and is eating as much as ever! What could this be? And it is in the middle of his throat.I meant he is showing NO signs of pain.
A: Guinea pigs get a streptococcus infection that can settle in the lymph nodes of the neck and cause a lump or lumps. In most cases they resolve themselves but in some cases the node becomes granular and hard and never goes away. There is a danger that the bacteria can erode a blood vessel and get into the blood stream and cause sepsis. The lesion can also open, either out through the skin or into the throat. Streptococci are very smelly and this is possibly what you are smelling.It is worth a trip to the vet to get it checked out. Be sure it is a guinea pig savvy vet who has had either lab animal or “pocket pet training” because guinea pigs are sensitive to a variety of common antibiotics, particularly beta lactam containing ones like penicillin. Giving the wrong antibiotic to a guinea pig can be worse than giving none at all. If the abcess is well walled off, you probably don’t need to do anything. If it isn’t you may need to treat it.
Punched in the Throat. Bump got Pushed In?
Q: I just had a fight with someone with the following rules of not hitting in the face because he had glasses and couldn’t see without it. So this retard comes and hits me in the throat. I sucked it up and kicked his ass anyways but now the bump in my throat is pushed inwards while I have difficulty speaking or swallowing. What are the symptoms of permanent damage and how can you differentiate it from temporary trauma? When I talk, I have to talk very quietly and swallowing spit is even difficult. Is it necessary for me to consult a doctor about this?
A: You absolutely need to contact a doctor about this. If you broke the cartilage in your larynx, it can cause permanent damage to your vocal cords. Go to the ER now and see an ENT as soon as possible.The tissue in your larynx will probably swell, and that can cause breathing issues.
I have a white bump on my throat, headaches, runny nose, and upset stomach… What could this be?
Q: I know I need to go to the doctor, but I can’t afford the co-pay until next Monday. I have a white bump on the left back corner of my throat by my uvula (the hangy thing.) I also have a runny nose, been having headaches, and have an upset stomach. Occasionally I have some cramps in my side. What could this be?
A: Strep throat.
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