What can cancer do to your central nervous system

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Primary CNS lymphoma can effect the brain, spinal cord, or meninges (the layers that form the outer covering of the brain). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cancer-do-to-your-central-nervous-system ]
More Answers to “What can cancer do to your central nervous system
What can cancer do to your central nervous system
Primary CNS lymphoma can effect the brain, spinal cord, or meninges (the layers that form the outer covering of the brain).
Is risk of central nervous system (CNS) relapse related to adjuva…?
Breast cancer central nervous system (CNS) metastases are an increasingly important problem because of high CNS relapse rates in patients treated with trastuzumab and/or taxanes. Patients and methods: We evaluated data from 2887 node-positi…
What should people know about cancer of the brain and other parts…?
The brain, spinal cord, meninges cranial nerves and other parts of the nervous system are responsible for communication in the body. Together, they control and organize all of the body’s functions so that they work together. Cancers that st…

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Stressed? When down to the hard knocks of life, do you think your diet plays a role, and how?
Q: There has been a great body or research on the use of nutrtion to heal using various groupings on how what foods do what how, given the last question asked by me was about an illness in the news where some 98% self inflict damage rather than externalise and positive role models get completely marginalised isolated and ingored like lepors. some 99.5% statistically on the illness is negative, see last question the following details exists as fact.Milk Protein and a Casein Free diet can be observed.Zero wheat glutton is beneficial. but porridge helps remove fat.Zero fizzy drinks, these leach calcium and magnesium from central nervous system.Zero Alcohol, also causes cancer see NSW Cancer c web.Zero illicit narcoticsZero CaffieneExtra fish or omega3 good if dull mood extra omega 6+9Extra B6+B12 Vitmins, helps regulate dopaminExtra Protein but without dairy and w. AminogenExtra Tang Kuei (ancient chinese herb for women) men need it too!!!Finally, get into personal dev.
A: If you listen to Scientologists (and apparently they are the most technologically equipped to know this..lol) they say that you need caffiene to think more clearly!But seriously, yes diet does play a direct part in emotional stress, however each person has a different chemisty, and what is good for one, does very little for another.I always reccommend fish oil, we have seen the effects of it on our son (aspergers). He takes it daily and it seems to mellow the moodswings dramatically, not to mention that he has wonderfully healthy hair and lovely skin! He also takes a B vitamin mix (The whole family is on B vits and fish oil).Any food that has chemical additives is less likely to improve your general well being. Try keeping it as natural as you can to get the most benefit out of it. (Getting the best bang for your buck in other words).As for the alcohol. Well like all studies, one says one thing, one says another. One study says that red wine is good for heart health, it has natural anti oxidants. However another study says that it may contribute to breast cancer. I personally think that if you are pre disposed you are pre disposed, and that these studies just highlight that some cultures are pre disposed to certain disease.I know for a fact personally, if I eat natural, healthy, non processed foods, I cope better throughout my day. My kids also seem more aggitated and emotional after spending the day out at other houses and eating copius amounts of processed foods, yet we see almost immediate improvement when they come home and eat a bowl of salad, or a handful of mushrooms!From what I have read processed foods are harder to digest, and therefor cause an inbalance in energy and chemical processes in the brain. This is why some foods make us feel down/tired/irritable…our brain is working overtime to get the body to cope with expelling/using these foods.Best of luck with your endeavour to find the truth behind food v mental wellness! I hope you get a great variety of helpful answers!
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