What causes cancers

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes cancers”,you can compare them.

Obesity and weight are among the main risk factors that can lead to cancer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-cancers ]
More Answers to “What causes cancers
Cancer can be caused from many different reasons. Cancer could be caused from a poor diet or by not getting a physical exam to prevent sickness.
Scientists have learned that cancer is caused by changes in genes that normally control the growth and death of cells. Certain lifestyle and environmental factors can change some normal genes into genes that allow the growth of cancer. Many…
There is no one single cause for cancer. Scientists believe that it is the interaction of many factors together that produces cancer. The factors involved may be genetic, environmental, or constitutional characteristics of the individual. D…

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What happened when Cornell University discovered that animal protein consumption causes cancers?
Q: Would Americans then be informed that a vegetarian diet eliminates most incidents of cancers, diabetes, and heart disease?Bear in mind that:Dairy food associations spend millions in US media marketing dollars.Additional food industry marketing dollars go to elementary schools to promote the food pyramid.The food industry provides income to most committee members who set dietary standards.Check out: http://www.tcolincampbell.org
A: Hype it’s all media hype. Remember when some study reported that tap water causes cancer? Frankly the truth is that no one knows what causes cancer specifically. Cancer is a catch all for “abnormal cell growth” These days everything we eat, breathe and wear seems to be artificially engineered or some how tainted.You must have seen Food Inc. Great movie by the way.
What causes cancer and how can i prevent it COMPLETELY?
Q: well i work out an hour and thirty minutes 4 times a week. i have a flawless nutrition. and i was wondering what causes cancer and how i can prevent it.
A: Nobody knows what causes cancer, and so nobody can tell you how to prevent it. If there was a known way, few of us would get it.Fewer than 10% of all cancer cases are hereditary; most of the rest are a mystery.Any claims that diet, stress, lack of exercise etc cause cancer are speculation and reflect the fears and prejudices of the person making the claim. It’s less frightening for someone who hasn’t had cancer to ‘blame the victim’ – put cancer down to avoidable lifestyle factors – than it is to accept that cancer is a largely random disease that can strike any of us.I once felt that way; I thought, when I thought about it at all, that my healthy, largely organic vegan diet – coupled with the facts that I exercised regularly and have never smoked – would protect me from cancer. I was wrong, and I got cancer anyway.If we knew how to prevent cancer, few of us would get it. Yes you should eat healthily and exercise – you’ll be healthy, but don’t rely on this to prevent cancer..
What makes cigarettes bad or cause cancers?
Q: What makes cigarettes bad or cause cancers?I don’t smoke,but I was just trying get what you think?Is it the actual burning and inhaling of the smoke?Is it the nicotine in tobacco that’s bad?Could they not some how get the nicotine out of them and would it taste bad to people if they did?I know the nicotine part is the addictive part so if they removed it wouldn’t people not have the habit anymore.Are people that grown their own better off than the people that go buy a pack the store?
A: Well the reason cigs cause cancer is because there are thousands of trace amount chemicals in them that dont agree witht the human body sometimes.The burning and inhaling of the smoke is a chemical change of what the cigs are made of and that in itself is harmful.Most smokers’ taste buds in their mouths do not function properly, so taste is not so much of and issue.Nicotine is addictive, some say more then heroin, that is not the only reason people smoke though. It is relaxing and habitual.If people were to grow their own, i would suggest a healthier, non-addictive and more relaxing plant than tobacco, i think you know what i mean 🙂
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