What color is more powerful

Health related question in topics Art Design .We found some answers as below for this question “What color is more powerful”,you can compare them.

Red is the color of energy, vitality and power. It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc.,(more?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-color-is-more-powerful ]
More Answers to “What color is more powerful
What color is more powerful?
Magenta is not a color of the spectrum, but in physics, the energy per photon is greater for shorter wavelengths. So blue light has more energy than red light, and violet light, which is even shorter wavelength than blue, and which is kind …
Are green lasers the most powerful color out of red blue and gree…?
Green is the most powerful, next is red, then blue.
Why is red such a powerful color?
Red Red has the longest wavelength, so it is the easiest color for us to spot from a distance- that is why the traffic signs, brake lights, and even the cloth used by a matador is red.

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A: Green. Don’t you read comic books?Green is the most powerful of the colors of the lanterns’ spectrum. Hence, Green Lantern.Hulk is green, and Hulk is strongest one there is.
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Q: I dream a lot and I remember almost every detail in my dreams from what happened, how I felt, who was there and even the brightness of the colours in it. I know that dreams mean almost nothing in the sense of our lives however I am interested in psychology and especially the sub-conscious part of the mind. I am not interested in the dreams and their meanings but what causes them and why.All answers acceptable.
A: Your mind is at rest and has more time to concentrate on one thing which you are dreaming about such as if you think about a tree in the day time you have alot more going on around you , but if you dream about that tree while asleep your emotions and feelings about it are more concentrated and focused on that specific thing as there is nothing else going on around you at the time 🙂
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