What does blood in my stool mean

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Causes of blood in stool range from harmless, such as hemorrhoids, to serious conditions such as cancer. See a doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-blood-in-my-stool-mean ]
More Answers to “What does blood in my stool mean
What does blood in my stool mean?
It means you must have ate too much blood. There are several reasons that could cause a bloody stool, if you ate something hot, or it could be a sign of cancer. You would need to explain to your doctor the symptoms you are having.
Why do i find blood in my stools?? what does this mean??
Usually, hemorrhoids (either external or internet) or an anal fissure is the cause. Either way, blood in the stool is a symptom that needs evalution by a physician.
What does it mean when i have blood in my stool??
“Coffee is probably not the cause.” Blood in the stool may come from anywhere along your digestive tract, from mouth to anus. It may be present in such small amounts that you cannot actually see it, but is only detectable by a fec…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does blood in stool mean?
Q: On Wednesday i went to the bathroom #2 and when i wiped there was red blood but i don’t think there was any in my poop. Then Thursday nothing happened as far as i know. But on Friday and today there was blood in my stool but not when i wiped. Dark to light red. I am 13 what does this mean?
A: Blood in the poo is generally a serious concern but it could be something as simple as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or internal hemmorhoids. One of the more serious causes is anal cancer but that’s highly unlikely at your age. If it continues to happen you should tell your parents but for now pay very close attention to how often you go and if it’s every single time. MOST people poop once or twice daily but if it’s less than that, you could be constipated. If it doesn’t clear up in a week, mention it to your parents. It may be embarassing but it’s also very important that you be treated. If you don’t have enough fiber in your diet you can have this problem from constipation. Straining to poop can cause the hemmorhoids to form inside your anus and those are just blood vessels that inflame so when you pass a bowel, it gets bloody. Hope that helps, at least you’ll have a few things to look up. If you feel any kind of pain, I think you should tell someone right away.
what does blood in stool mean?
Q: my mom is 46 years old and she has blood in her stool and also has lost 8 pounds in the last week or so. what does she have?
A: Ivana,Your mom needs to see a doctor. Blood in the stool could be caused by many different things. Accompanied by rapid weight loss ( 8 lb/wk), I would make the appointment as soon as possible. It is impossible for anyone online to give you a definitive answer. Rectal bleeding and intestinal bleeding can look very different and there are specific tests to detect blood in stool (guiac/Hemoccult). Don’t rely on internet information nor assume the worst based on an online supposition. Please have your mother seen tomorrow. I hope she feels better.
What does blood in stool and burning mean?
Q: I’m a 15 year old girl first off all. This is embarrassing, but lately after going to the bathroom, I would burn. Even like 20 minutes after using the bathroom, I’m still burning. That’s been going on for like a week now. Today, I found blood in my stool this time. And it was bright red even on the toilet paper. What does this mean? Should i see a doctor?
A: It wouldn’t hurt to have a doctor check you out but given your age it most likely is hemorrhoids or an anal fissure (tiny crack). These can be caused by straining…Are you slightly constipated? More fiber in your diet might be essential to prevent this from happening.
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