What does cancer do to the body

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Cancer happens when cells that are not normal grow and spread very fast, thus causing harm to the body. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-cancer-do-to-the-body ]
More Answers to “What does cancer do to the body
What does cancer do to your body?
Cancer tries to multiply to take over your body. If the cancer wins it can attack your organs and your bone marrow. Cancer can be a very frightening disease.
Can an old dog with lumps on his body have cancer
Lumps on your dog’s body could mean cancer. You’ll need to take him to his vet to know for sure! ChaCha!
How does breast cancer affect the body?
Breast cancer, like most cancers, can affect your entire body. If left untreated, it can spread to other organs in your body, even your bones. Breast cancer can cause death as well.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Understanding cancer body make up?
Q: I’m having a hard time understanding the body chemistry make up .I don’ t understand what is mRNA ,protein ,SFN, receptor,hormone what it is and what it does.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Quote The central dogma in biochemistry is that DNA produces mRNA, which in turn produces a protein. So the scheme is:DNA mRNA ProteinYou’ll notice that arrow linking DNA to mRNA goes two ways. This is because there’s transcription and reverse transcription (such as in viruses).Let’s invent a protein. We’ll call it ‘SFN’. This protein is a growth receptor on the plasma membrane. When a hormone hits it, the cell knows when to divide and grow. So if SFN was active all the time, the cell would divide exponentially. You’d get cancer.Quote ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I’m having a hard time understanding the above quote.And what does viruses have to do with the mRNA ?
A: First of all you have to understand what all of that stuff isDNA – is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses.mRNA – is a molecule of RNA encoding a chemical “blueprint” for a protein product. mRNA is transcribed from a DNA template, and carries coding information to the sites of protein synthesis: the ribosomesCancer – A disease in which the cells of a tissue undergo uncontrolled (and often rapid) Increase in numbers.With that you should understand a little more what its talking about. If not WikiPedia is an amazing thing.Good luck =]
How does breast cancer affect the body?
Q: I’m doing a bio paper on breast cancer and i know the symptoms that they check for to diagnos u with breast cancer but i don’t know how cancer really affects the body. Like what would it do if left untreated.
A: The American Cancer Society probablly has online materials on this, however cancer when it is ‘localized’ (meaning it has not spread) is not the big issue (when it is found like this, ‘cure’ or success rates are high). It is only when it spreads (called metastasis) is the issue. Because when this happens the cancer cells are basically free and start impacting other body organs. Typically cancer likes to do this via the lymph node system (where it can travel it like a highway to other body organs)For example say the breast cancer decides to metastasis and it goes to the brain or liver, etc. When it starts to form tumors on these organs it causes problems. For example my mom’s ovarian cancer created some new tumors on ther intestines and it created a bowel blockage where she can’t digest food.
How does bowel cancer affect the body?
Q: how does bowel cancer affect the body? What can ease this condition? Can you recover from bowel cancer or does it cause repairable damage? Ive just found out a friend has it and would like to know a little about it.
A: Bowel cancer is treatable if caught early enough. He will most likely need surgery to remove that part of his bowel, and then chemo. He may need an ileostomy for a little while, or perhaps permanent, depending on where the cancer is. The only lasting problem may be his bowel habits change, he may have to go a little more often than usual, because some of his bowel is removed.
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