What happened to Donna Reed

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Donna Reed died January 14, 1986 in Beverly Hills, California of pancreatic cancer. Thanks for ChaCha’ing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happened-to-donna-reed ]
More Answers to “What happened to Donna Reed
What happened to Donna Reed?
Donna originally signed a 3 year contract with Lorimar but was sacked after one season. Donna and her husband found out about her axing at an airport arriving back from France. Donna sued Lorimar for outstanding payment and won. She later d…
What happened in Donna Reed Foundation’s career?
After signing with MGM in 1941, Reed made her film debut that same year in The Get-Away, opposite Robert Sterling. Billed in her first feature as Donna Adams, MGM decided against the name and changed it to Donna Reed. She starred in The Cou…

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I had a dream I was in the 1950’s! What does this mean?
Q: OK I had this weird dream. I was living in a little town somewhere. I think I may have been married in the dream. I lived in a cute little yellow house with a white pickett fence. I was wearing a 50’s style pink dress. Everything was bright and sunny with almost cartoon-like colors. I have never had such a VIVID dream, literally. It was a kind of cheerful, happy dream. I was making dinner like a 1950’s housewife….Like Donna Reed or something.Then in the dream I went outside into what was presumably ‘my’ yard and sat by the pool. Keep in mind everything was like 3 shades BRIGHTER than what it would be in real life. The sky was very blue. The sun was really bright. The pool was very aqua. It was almost like I was living in a Barbie dollhouse or a Dr Seuss story if that makes any sense. Nothing really happened in the dream. I was just comfortable and everything was brightly colored and I was just hanging around my house.It wasn’t a bad dream or nightmare but something about it was a little creepy. It was like the Twilight Zone or something. It was just unsettling. Everything in the dream seemed too perfect to be real if that makes any sense. In real life I am a strong, independent woman. I teach health and fitness and pretty much take care of myself. I don’t have kids (I’m in my late 20’s) and at this time have no desire to do so. I also live in the city with lots of friends and a BF and I am basically happy. So why then the weird ‘1950’s suburbia’ dream? I just can’t make any logical sense of it! Could there be some subconscious meaning for this? Or did I just watch too many reruns of 50’s sitcoms as a kid? My dream was almost like I was living in this video for real….weird I know:My dream was almost like I was living in this video for real….weird I know: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p68rj879Zyg
A: all right, I can handle this one.Judging by your little self-description at the end, you are happy with your life. You neglected to mention any problems which doesn’t necessarily mean there aren’t any, but they do mean that you are happy with where you are. It’s a proven psychological fact that bright colors are associated with happiness or excitedness. For example, on days when your outfit consists of the first thing that catches your eye, if you are in a good mood or have good things happening to you at that certain point, you can safely say that you are happy with your life at that particular point. The comfort, and all of the bright colors mean that you are happy. Life is going good. The 1950’sish feel means that you feel like you are living the perfect life. The 50’s are usually associated with happiness and the “Beaver Cleaver” demeanor of life. That association is a good thing. Now the housewife thing is interesting…It could mean one of two things. Either you really do love your boyfriend and you really are happy with him, but considering that you are a strong, independent woman, maybe the housewife making dinner part is what’s unsettling to you. Consult your own ambitions and ask yourself “Self, what do you really want out of life?”Hope it helps!
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