What is a giloma

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A glioma is a type of cancer that starts in the brain or spine. It is called a glioma because it arises from glial cells. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-giloma ]
More Answers to “What is a giloma
Glioma is a tumor in the glial cells. These cells are located in the Central Nervous System, also known as the CNS. A glioma is usually considered a brain tumor that usually becomes cancerous.
A glioma is a type of primary central nervous system (CNS) tumor that arises from glial cells.
It’s a primary brain tumor, meaning it starts in the brain. It’s not the kind of brain cancer that’s spread by metastasis from another organ. Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumors in adults. When they are malignant, they can be q…

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travel for the rest of my life?
Q: am 22 years old, hate college to the bottom of my soul. I see a whole world out there, that I just don’t know.I don’t care about modern conviences: security, healthcare ( i have had cancer but really don’t care to live in fear of keeping insurance)I want to see the world, even if it kills me, literally.1) is it possible to sail, hike, or fly around and work or get the food and necessities from each destination, while not having to rely on money back home.2) has anyone done this? I know there can be stipulation with laws, but is this so, all over the world? I want to give it all up and see whats out there. 3) iam intensly learning spanish and french and plan to pass all intermediate college classes involving the 2 by summer 2010.I really don’t care about danger or risk, I want to do it with what time I have left. ( have a giloma) I may not live “to do it someday”, so whatever I do , I should do it within a year or two, and possibly plan on not returning.I really want to do it, and Iam not rich, have little money and just want to do it.not doingthis will be the worst regret, I will have in my life. If I do this, I really do plan to expire on this journey.I said nothing about categorizing it in this section. answers is being whack, iam sorry, I had to remake this question 3 times and it keeps putting it in random categories, that i do not choose.
A: It is possible to travel for the rest of your life.This is because thousands of other people before you have done it.Some even get what they need from the people of the various places they visit as they travel.This is all possible to do.And so, if committed to it,it should prove to be a very exiting adventure.
can you work while traveling?
Q: am 22 years old, hate college to the bottom of my soul. I see a whole world out there, that I just don’t know.I don’t care about modern conviences: security, healthcare ( i have had cancer but really don’t care to live in fear of keeping insurance)I want to see the world, even if it kills me, literally.1) is it possible to sail, hike, or fly around and work or get the food and necessities from each destination, while not having to rely on money back home.2) has anyone done this? I know there can be stipulation with laws, but is this so, all over the world? I want to give it all up and see whats out there. 3) iam intensly learning spanish and french and plan to pass all intermediate college classes involving the 2 by summer 2010.4) can you work certain jobs as a traveling bum in certain places?, All ill need is food.5) i prolly am not going to live that long ( 10 years more maybe)I really don’t care about danger or risk, I want to do it with what time I have left. ( have a giloma) I may not live “to do it someday”, so whatever I do , I should do it within a year or two, and possibly plan on not returning.I really want to do it, and Iam not rich, have little money and just want to do it.not doingthis will be the worst regret, I will have in my life. If I do this, I really do plan to expire on this journey.
A: 1) Some countries will not let you in if you can’t show that you have money in the bank. In other cases you need to have a workers visa to be able to work in that country. Other than that I do think that it’s possible. 2) Christopher McCandless http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_McCandless did something like it though it ended in tragedy because of a mistake he made. There are links and ideas abotu what you can read in there I think. And here http://www.infobarrel.com/Backpacking_Around_the_World__Globe_Trotting_the_Economical_Way you have a page about backpacking around the world. The planning should be similar and it could give you an idea about what you need to think of. 4) You might need a workers visa in some places though it might be possible to get stray jobs illegally too. You also need to remember that the financial crisis has struck some places hard and that there might be few jobs to get for a foreigner. 5) You should make sure to do what you want with your life, but, you have to plan for what will happen when you die. Do you have family and would they like you to come back to your home country if you are close to death or dead? It can cost a lot to get a dead body back and it will be good if you plan for it perhaps by wanting to be cremated or buried “where you dropped”. Also make plans for what you want to happen if you are injured or terribly ill and can’t make decisions for yourself. Having it all in writing before it happens will be good.Good Luck! =)
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