What is a oncologist specialist

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Oncologists are physicians who study, diagnose, and treat cancerous tumors.ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-oncologist-specialist ]
More Answers to “What is a oncologist specialist
When should you consult a specialist in cancer diagnosis and trea…?
This depends on the type of cancer, its stage and the treatment options that are available. Many different types of cancer exist and not all require an oncologist. For example, some cancers, such as basal cell skin cancers, can be surgicall…
Can you be both a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist and Gynecolo…?
It’s possible in theory, but in practice you would be dealing with two very different groups of patients, which means you would be dealing with two different medical teams, nursing teams, wards and clinics. Not worth the hassle.
Should I see an oncologist or a leukemia specialist??
Video: Leukemia Patient Basics expert Noam Z. Drazin (Hematologist & Oncologist, Cedars-Sinai Medical Group) gives expert advice on: Should I see an oncologist or a leukemia specialist?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there more than one reason to see an Onocologist?
Q: Recently doctors have found a para tracheal mass in my sons chest. After a series of tests….they have ruled out lymphoma,and Histoplasmosis I talked to the Lung specialist and she told to have my Family doctor refer us to an Oncologist(specialists can’t refer to other specialists I guess)I know what an Oncologist is…but are there other reasons they would be sending my son to one of these doctors?
A: Lymphoma and Histoplasmosis are the disease generally related to cancer and mainly affecting to the immune system. If not treated, this can be fatal. And Oncologist is concerned with: The diagnosis of any cancer in a person, Therapy (e.g., surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other modalities), Follow-up of cancer patients after successful treatment, Palliative care of patients with terminal malignancies. You need to get all tests for cancer in some hospitals like elitehealth. They might have all the advanced diagnostics for the cancer, so that they can be cured on their initial stage. Check it out here : http://www.elitehealth.com/advanced_diagnostic_testing.phpYou can find some very important information of lymphoma on http://www.emedicinehealth.com/lymphoma/article_em.htmand Histoplasmosis on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histoplasmosis#Diagnosis
More than one reason to see an Onocologist?
Q: Recently doctors have found a para tracheal mass in my sons chest. After a series of tests….they have ruled out lymphoma,and Histoplasmosis I talked to the Lung specialist and she told to have my Family doctor refer us to an Oncologist(specialists can’t refer to other specialists I guess)I know what an Oncologist is…but are there other reasons they would be sending my son to one of these doctors?
A: Your son has a “mass” near his trachea… Oncology deals with tumors so the Oncologist is the best specialist to be dealing with this.
Does anyone have any complaints about Kaiser Permanente?
Q: My mom has Kaiser as her health care provider. Considering that she’s a recurrent Ovarian Cancer patient, you would think that she would be a priority member. However, since her recurrent condition, her Oncologist Specialist has done the bare mininum to assist her in her fight against this disease. He even went as far to tell her that she had 6 months to a year to live and that she shouldn’t save up instead take vacations and do whatever her heart desired. He also called my mother to inform her of her recurrence and wished her a prosperious life. Now he’s tyring to sabotage her approval for disability benefits. This is ridiculous. If you have any complaints about Kaiser please speak up, if not, and you have any suggestions as to what I should do, please feel free to do so.
A: I live on the east coast and I have had Kaiser for years and YES I have complaints about them. To many to go into here. My suggestion would be to call you members services department and report the incidents. If they tell you they will investigate, give it a few days and call back to find out if they have an answer for you or your mom. It is a headache, but you have to let them know that you won’t be treated like that. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Good luck to you and to your mom.
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