What is an OB test

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OB tests may run the gambit from pregnancy to cancer screening. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-ob-test ]
More Answers to “What is an OB test
What is an OB test
OB tests may run the gambit from pregnancy to cancer screening. ChaCha!
Is it better to use ob_get_contents() or $text .= ‘test’;?
Output buffers have all the pitfalls of global variables. You have to be aware of all execution paths from the ob_start() to the ob_get_clean(). Are you sure it will get there, and that any buffers opened in between will have been closed?…
What is a OB Test at the doctors?
OB stands for OBSTETRICS , so when we say OB test , there are several obstetrics tests, these tests are done to detect a high-risk pregancy. Obstetrics Tests are Ultrasound, Fetal echocardiogram, Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villi Sampling, Int…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Pregnancy — When getting a pap smear, what does the OB test for?
Q: (Maybe a little TMI, sorry about that.)Do they test for Bacterial Vaginosis? I’ve been having more discharge then normal, which I read is normal with pregnancy. But I had discharge before I got pregnant, too and it has always been white, not really ever clear. I was looking Bacteria Vaginosis and it kind of sounds like I might have it, though my discharge is never yellow and it does have a smell, but I don’t know how to describe it.Also, I have some burning when I pee sometimes and itching after intercourse lately, but I’m not sure if it’s something that comes along with pregnancy or something I should ask my doctor about. I just figured it was because I’ve been having sex with my boyfriend more then I’d really like to and I’m kind of …dry in that area since I’m usually not in the mood.Any input? And sorry if I put a little too much information, just looking for suggestions.Maybe it wasn’t a pap smear, but when I went to my first appointment at 15 weeks, then put those clamps in me to open it up and swabbed something… It wasn’t my vagina walls, though, I would have felt that. (My appointment was late because I had to wait on my medicaid.)
A: I believe the pap smear is only screening for abnormal cells, which would be cancer. They are checking for cervical cancer.If you’re afraid you have a yeast infection or a bacterial infection, they will swab in your vagina. You need to tell them what your concerns are, there are different tests for different things.You could also have a bladder infection, and that is also a separate test.If you’re dry during intercourse, you should get some KY or Astroglide. I like Astroglide best, and a lot of the newer KY lubricants are good, too. (I don’t like the jelly, but the more liquid ones are good.) The whole vulva area is very delicate, and easily damaged, which can make intercourse the next time very painful. Even after an orgasm, some women need some additional lubricant. I have had times when I wasn’t lubricated enough, and I’ve actually had some slight tearing of the labia when they get kind of pulled inside the vagina during intercourse. Now THAT’S TMI!Anyway, the burning when urinating could just be that you’re a little damaged and the urine is irritating, or it could be a UTI.So, talk with your doctor and get checked for a few things, and get a good lubricant.
did anyones ob drug test them and it came back possitive?
Q: before i even get started i just want to say that this question is not about myself, its about a friend so PLEASE dont give me negative opinions. i know shes stupid im just helping her out.My friend is about 7 or 8 months pregnant and she occasionally smoked pot while pregnant and i geuss her doctor did a random drug screen on her and it came back possitive for THC. What happens now? shes really worried. Her doctor of course told her to stop but shes just worried that the doctor will tell CPS. has anyone had this happen before?
A: Unless she consented to random drug testing at one of her appointments he cannot test her for anything he hasn’t notified her about. If he had a court order would be the only way he could test her without her consent. If he suspected she was smoking then he could ask her for her permission to test but he cannot test for drugs without her permission. Yes, he could call CPS if she tests positive for drugs. My guess is that in her initial paperwork she consented to drug testing because it’s sometimes included in the intake paperwork for pregnancy. If CPS gets involved they could require her to take drug tests and pass them in order to keep her baby.
How do I file a report on a doctors office receptionist? I pregnant and have gotten no help? What should I do?
Q: I took 2 home pregnancy test on Saturday and found out I was pregnant. I want to see a doctor as I keep feeling cramps on and off I don’t know if that’s normal? Can someone let me know if that’s normal!? I also not sure how far I am as I don’t know how to determined that! Maybe someone can answer that as well for me, My last period was April 23rd I conceived I believe May 7th don’t know if that helps but if you understand it let me know how far I assumed 6weeks! Anyways, I went to a walk in doctor on Tuesday cause I was scared and never had these on and off cramps before! There isn’t any blood just cramping on and off and it isn’t everyday! I seen the doctor went to the lab to take a blood test so that I can figure out if my HCG (I think that how they put it) level is going up. It is now friday and the receptionist is say everyday for the last couple days Ill call you, then it was , she thinks it went to the wrong office, then it was, oh I didn’t get to call the Lab, then it was , she thinks they lost my test! I just want to get the test so I can do my first OB test and get an ob! Is there a place to call to report her? My family doctor isn’t available till July 10th. What should I do I scared! I need a doctor now! The walk in doctor gave me materna vitamins! I been taken! Please help! What should I do?
A: if you are highly concerned then you should go to the ER room yes every ones comments are correct but we also do not know what type of cramping you have there fore can not tell you it is normal so either see another doctor or go to the ER room GOOD LUCK
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