What is cancers stone

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Do you mean birth stone? If so, July is Ruby and June is the Pearl [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-cancers-stone ]
More Answers to “What is cancers stone
Why is Cancers Birth stone red ruby, if the Zodiac sign Cancer is…?
I’ve always wondered that myself! I’m a fire sign and my stone is blue/green. I can only imagine it has something to do with the energy/purpose of the stone.
From what I have read before, its a slang term sometimes used for testicular cancer.. cancer of the ‘stones’ It is also sometimes used as slang for prostate cancer. A medical book once described a stone cancer as an attribute of any cancer …
What is the birth stone of cancer?
The birth stone of Cancer is the ruby.

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Q: What is up with these lame wrestling organizations? (Cancer, Stone Cold Stunna, etc.) It’s guys like you who give true wrestling fans a bad name.
A: Well,what can I say?These are immature people who doesn’t have a life and they have to come here and be what they are a bunch of @$$holes.Maybe they are about 13 years old.
A: From what I have read before, its a slang term sometimes used for testicular cancer.. cancer of the ‘stones’It is also sometimes used as slang for prostate cancer. A medical book once described a stone cancer as an attribute of any cancer that was stone like.. hard, firm, friable, lack of blood vessels to supply it. they compared it to cyrosis of the liver. Basically tho, its a slang term so no real “stone cancer”
Dog urethra or colon mass or tumor–what could it be?
Q: Our 9 year old boxer mix has been having urinary tract problems for about 10 months now. Infections that won’t clear. Two utrasounds revealed nothing–no bladder stones or cancer or anything. Today the vet gave her a rectal and said she felt a mass in her colon or urethra. I have an appointment with a specialist for a CT scan next week. In the meantime: what could this be? Cancer? Stones? Polyps? A few weeks ago she was “fine.” Please help asap!Bunched up how? Her intestine bunched up?I’m still holding out hope that the vet only imagined she felt something, or that what she felt was a huge stone that is only *partially* blocking her pee/poop (like enough to buy her a few days to get surgery). Possible? How possible?Hi Jen, She’s not incontinent in the way you’re thinking she is. Occasionally she leaks urine when she really has to go. She “leaks” when the infections get bad. But she doesn’t pee in the house or anything, she’s had maybe 3 accidents this whole time.All the sites I read talk about “straining” to urinate or defecate and I don’t think she strains. It’s always been a steady stream the first time and she pees a few more times in drops (but she also marks trees even when she’s not sick so it’s not that unusual for her). Yes there was blood in her urine, visible, and not visible, before, which led us to get the urinalysis and cultures. At the moment she doesn’ t have any visible blood in the urine but she did a few days ago.I keep reading good things about Prioxicam. She has been on this before and we still have some left. I’m wondering if I should give her some over the weekend while we are waiting to get to the specialist next week. Thanks for the hope. we really need it!It did turn out to be cancer but we don’t know exactly what kind or how much of it there is. 🙁 Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
A: Chronic urinary tract infections in an older female lead me to ask – is she incontinent? Persistent moisture from the bladder to the vulva in a female who has steady leakage of urine is like a superhighway for bacteria into the bladder and will present with chronic UTI until the incontinence is corrected (usually attainable with a hormone supplement called PROIN). I find it unlikely that your vet has not considered this, as it is very common in older females, but on the outside chance that incontinence as a source of chronic infection had not been discussed, I thought I’d mention it.As far as the mass being imaginary or not I couldn’t say, though I find it unlikely that it is a stone, normally bladder stones, partially lodged or not, will cause irritation of the bladder and urethra which will result in blood in the urine. An intestinal cancer is not unlikely, and if your dog is in good health otherwise (and the cancer has not metastasized to the lungs) often surgical removal of these tumors can extend a healthy life for a time for the patient.
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