What is peptic cancer

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Peptic ulcers that do not respond to treatment may have developed complications or may actually be cancer. You may need an endoscopy so that your doctor can look at the inside of your stomach and your upper small intestine. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-peptic-cancer ]
More Answers to “What is peptic cancer
What is peptic cancer
Peptic ulcers that do not respond to treatment may have developed complications or may actually be cancer. You may need an endoscopy so that your doctor can look at the inside of your stomach and your upper small intestine. ChaCha
Does Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy for peptic ulcer pre…?
To investigate the effects of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) eradication therapy for treatment of peptic ulcer on the incidence of gastric cancer. METHODS: A multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted between November 2000 and Decem…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

in your own words, what is peptic cancer?
Q: and don’t just say its a diseases please
A: peptic cancer is just the same as stomach cancer
Does anyone really know what pain is? I feel pain all the time and medication does not help?
Q: I have RA< peptic ulcer disease,cancer,and now just found out that I have a blood disorder.
A: Might I suggest that you ask your doctor to refer you for Chronic Pain Management? There are so many things that can be done for pain but you need to see doctors that specialize in it. Please do not suffer needlessly.
I feel like I’m dying. Chest tightness and left arm slightly numb. What’s going on with me?
Q: For about a month now I’ve felt a weight on my chest, but only in the morning when I wake up…no pain or anything. Just recently it’s been coupled with waves of nausea and this weird feeling that goes from my gut to my extremeties. I’ve had a slight loss in appetite, but sometimes it comes back. My biggest issue on top of all of this is that I’m only 23, and I don’t have any medical insurance to cover a doctor visit, or else I’d go. I went to the emergency room about a month ago for the breathing thing, and I had pneumonia, so they gave me antibiotics and an inhaler, but all of that cost me over $2,000, and I’m not made of money. I don’t want this to be a financial burden for my wife. Can anybody give me a little peace of mind? So far with the research I’ve done on the symptoms, I’ve come up with diabetes, lung cancer (don’t think so, but…), peptic ulcer, and a few other minor things. Thank you so much for taking the time to help. God Bless.
A: The symptoms could be several things. Without proper diagnosis and self medicating could put you at risk for aggravating the problem rather than a solution.Once you have ruled out heart problems and perhaps a chest congestion, I can offer a suggestion I use.I believe in Colloidal Silver as a better antibiotic than the doctors will prescribe. There are cautions listed on the websites, do not use too much, you might turn blue.I had a dry cold, that is none of the usual congestion and drainage associated with a head cold, but I would catch every cold that came around. Wanting to resolve some other medical problems, I learned about Colloidal Silver. I took 2 to 3 teaspoons per day for over a month and my other symptoms went away. The dry cold went away, too. I am NOT a doctor, but I have researched this thoroughly. It worked for me and I did not turn blue.Do not try to self medicate heart problems, you will likely make things worse. Do you get chest pains while doing light exercise? I was planting trees before my first treadmill test for heart disease. They would not let me leave the test center without being treated. I knew a young man who exercised, in good general health, and still had heart problems in his late 20s. It can happen.Whatever you have is not worth dieing for. Get good advice from a doctor or medical center. If it is treatable with antibiotics, I believe in Colloidal Silver as the best solution the doctor will not likely tell you about. Just do not take too much. Two to Three teaspoons should be the maximum per day.The pneumonia may not be gone yet.Do you have a pet that sleeps on your chest? He he!I was diagnosed with diabetes, type II, but never experienced tight chest. Sounds more like heart problems to me, but could still be the pneumonia. My personal opinion that it is not a peptic ulser.
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