What is the best treatment for throat cancer

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best treatment for throat cancer”,you can compare them.

Clinical trials may increase your chance for cure, or if throat cancer advanced they hold the best hope for treatment. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-treatment-for-throat-cancer ]
More Answers to “What is the best treatment for throat cancer
What is the best treatment for throat cancer
Clinical trials may increase your chance for cure, or if throat cancer advanced they hold the best hope for treatment.
What is the success rate of throat cancer surgery?
Cancer – Throat Or Larynx Treatment. View diagnostic tests, medical proecedures, otc and prescription drugs on Healthline Treatment Search. There are 27 procedures and 2 prescriptions found for Laryngeal Cancer…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Advanced Throat Cancer?
Q: Ok, so my dad is 55, and approx 4 months ago was diagnosed with cancer. He’s advanced as if he were to do the surgery, it would remove his voice box and leave him with both a breathing tube and a permanent stomach peg. The last time he had any treatment was 3 weeks ago (he is scheduled to commence proper radiation/chemo on the 5th of december). I guess i’m asking whether or not it is likely he will be ok? I know that after the treatment he will be in remission, but what is the likely outcome. I need to prepare myself, and my family for the most likely outcome 🙁 I know that each situation is different, which is why i’m not relying on statistics, but its seems that everything I read, it is likely the patient may last a few years after the treatment, but the best they can do is slow the cancer down, rather than rid the cancer cells, and leave him in remission. Also – how likely is it that the cancer will spread within the next few weeks??Much appreciated and thanks
A: He should be care full,that type of cancer can spread,especially it the lymph nodes a re involve. God Bless..
what is the the best way for me to set limits on what I am willing to do…?
Q: my friends have had 2 major illnesses lately…first it has been cancer of the throat, going on 4 months of treatment…and I have been trying my best, despite my financial limitations , to help them out. Now his sister had a major stroke last week….and already many requests have been made of me to help out there also. am feeling a little maxed out…each time I help it costs me time and money. I would love to keep pitching in when I can but now this latest crisis is making me feel burnt-out. Could use some suggestions on how I can gracefully say…No…to some of these requests. I have physical limitations and now I think they are going to want me to help bath, transfer, etc my friend because she is paralyzed on one side and they will have no home health aide or physical therapist. I am a retired (disabled) RN…I cannot begin to do these things for a 180 lb woman now. Should I plead my back problems? I feel so guilty, but I know I would be in pain if I help them. usually I help by having the kids overnight and afternoons and feed them and help with homework. When it rains, it pours…
A: HiYou have done a ton but you need to be honest and say “I can’t do it all”. Be blunt and honest. A way of dealing with limitless requests is to offer what help you can do so you put it in a positive way. Instead of feeling bad saying ‘no I can’t do that’ say ‘I can help with’ and lay out what you can and want to do.Let them figure out the rest. You’ve done more than 90% of people alreadyBC
Frog drawing request?
Q: My granny collected anything that had a frog on it and she passed away today. Since I learned that she had terminal cancer (started out as breast cancer but she didn’t get treatment so it turned to kidney cancer, throat cancer, and several other nasties) I started thinking about ways keep a part of her with me. When her sister (my great aunt) died exactly two months ago (also from cancer) I decided to get my hand web pierced. For my granny I want a frog tattoo. So I would like to request a drawing of a frog, it doesn’t have to be fancy and over the top. I’m not sure how I could compensate you (other than best answer and that wouldn’t cover what I’d owe you).
A: i can draw a cute little animated-type frog. i’m not sure if that’s anywhere near what you’re looking for. but it’s relatively cute if that’s what you want. just let me know. and i’ll draw it up for you and sent you a link from photobucket.
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