What is the cause of leukemia

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Experts do not yet know what causes leukemia. Risk factors for leukemia include: Smoking & tobacco use. Being exposed to large amounts of radiation. Being exposed to certain chemicals in the workplace. Past chemotherapy/radiation for another cancer [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-leukemia ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of leukemia
There are many conditions that are associated with development of leukemia.These include radiation exposure, some chemotherapeutic medicines, some form of viruses called retrovirus, some genetic disorders like Down syndrome etc. However, le…
Leukemia(of which there are many types) is a cancer of the bone marrow. The bone marrow is where your blood cells are formed. When a runaway cancer cell invades this area of your body this causes leukemia. My doctor described the type that …
Leukemia results from an acquired genetic injury to the DNA of a single cell, which becomes abnormal and multiplies continuously.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what type of mutation causes leukemia to be inherited?
Q: im doing a project on leukemia. one of the things i need to research is the type of mutation it is. it gave me a list of like sex-linked, autosomal dominaant, autosomal recessive and etc. i can not seem to find a website that will help me with this. does anyone know the answer or where i can look?
A: It’s a mutation of the DAPK1 gene. Inherited leukemia is very rare, but inheriting this gene mutation raises your chances. This gene is responsible for the death of a bad cell.
What is and what causes leukemia?
Q: A member of my family has leukemia,so now everyone in my family has questions about leukemia. Like what is leukemia,What are the treatment options,And what causes leukemia.The doctor said that the person in my family either gets chemo or dies.But we still want too know what it is. And any information about it would be helpful.
A: Leukemia(of which there are many types) is a cancer of the bone marrow. The bone marrow is where your blood cells are formed. When a runaway cancer cell invades this area of your body this causes leukemia. My doctor described the type that I have a an army running too and fro and running wild. This in turn causes your good and bad blood cells to go to almost non existant levels I broke my leg standing up because my liver wasn’t absorbing calcium,had blood cysts come up and then my heart was so tired I could not walk 2 blocks without getting tired. The final thing that led them to my leukemia was a migraine headache that would not go away. I had the apl form of aml leukemia. It is a hard road to go but there are cures for this. First of all if you believe in God and then if you get to the leukemia in time. I just went back for my last time to the Doctor. I have been in remission for 13 months now and I am so blessed. I will be praying for your family member as well as your family. Miracles do Happen. Keep the faith. I died 3 times and on the 3rd day after I died for the 3rd time I still got up and walked out of the hospital. Good Luck and God bless.
Do they know the cause of Leukemia yet.. Or what is the experts guesses?
Q: I know it is caused by the bloodcells, but by any guess – why did the blood cells function like that? Is it anything to do with diet or health or family-related blood causes?I dont know much on it so any simple help I would be greatfull for thanks.
A: In general, cancer occurs when cells divide without a check or a control. This uncontrolled division leads to faulty cells that do not perform the proper tasks – as in leukemia, or it produces a tumour as in most other cancers. Although many people refer to leukemia as a cancer of the blood, it is actually a cancer of the bone marrow that produces blood cells. In AML Leukemia, the cells that produce white blood cells are cancerous and produce a great number of nonfunctional WBCs.It isn’t known exactly what causes leukemia but there are several ideas about what exactly causes the uncontrolled division of these cells. It isn’t fully understood why some people exposed to many risk factors do not develop leukemia while others do. Some of these risk factors include exposure to high amounts of radiation, previous rounds of chemotherapy, high exposure to benzene, smoking, some genetic problems such as Downs Syndrome, and sometimes faulty genes inherited from parent to child. Less than 10% of all cancers are hereditary. Leukemia is not one of the more commonly passed cancers. Cancer predisposition can only be passed onto a child if the gametes are affected. In almost every cancer it is not the gamete cells that are affected, but it is the somatic cells which are not passed onto a child.I hope this helps you out some. If you have any more questions feel free to email me ([email protected]) or send me an IM (crazycanuckj).
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