What is the medical term for brain cancer

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Brain cancer is also refer to brain tumor. Some are primary or secondary, benign or malignant, localized or invasive, and grade. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-medical-term-for-brain-cancer ]
More Answers to “What is the medical term for brain cancer
What is the medical term for brain cancer
Brain cancer is also refer to brain tumor. Some are primary or secondary, benign or malignant, localized or invasive, and grade.

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Any cancer?
Q: What is the medical term for some of the cancer? like lung cancer or brain cancer plz at least 2 of them.its like for example brain cancer is metastatic cancer in the brain
A: Lung cancer is pulmonary cancer,ovarian cancer is cancer of the ovaries,tonsillar cancer is cancer of the tonsils, uterine cancer is cancer of the uterus, cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix..whatever body part is involved becomes the name of that cancer.
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A: metastasize…thats the medical term when cancer spreads through the body.
Cell Phones!!! Good thing or a bad thing?
Q: Just read a bunch of medical journals on the topic of radiation that is emitted from cell phones. How they can not fully say if they do cause harmful effects on people, but it is already know that it kills rats brain cells and causes leaking in their brain after being exposed to cell phone radiation after 2 hours! What do you think? Do you think cell phones may be a culprit to long term disease like cancer, alzheimers and etc? Or is not harmful at all! Or is it too early to know what effect it has? Lets face it, radiation is not a good thing at all when humans are exposed to it right? How long do some of use our cell phones? I think it is something to think about no? What do you think? Thank you for all answer in advance! When answering this question, please lets not think of our own comforts and answer with some honesty and insight!
A: There is not, that I know of, good evidence to suggest that cell phones either definately cause damage or are perfectly safe (of course, I don’t know of any information that says that ANYTHING is perfectly safe, but that’s another story). I personally do not worry about using my cell phone or the effects that it may have on me, but then again, people in the 50s didn’t think that smoking had any relation to cancer or lung disease.So, for now, as far as we know, they’re safe, but who knows what we’ll discover tomorrow.
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