What is the planet Jupiter, the ruler of

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Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius, and, for many astrologers, also the ruler of Pisces and is exalted in Cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-planet-jupiter%2C-the-ruler-of ]
More Answers to “What is the planet Jupiter, the ruler of
What is the planet Jupiter, the ruler of
Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius, and, for many astrologers, also the ruler of Pisces and is exalted in Cancer. ChaCha!

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The dominant planet in a chart?
Q: So, my question is how can we find out which is the dominant planet in our chart? What are the factors it depends on? I’ve heard that it can be the most aspected planet or the ruler of the ascendant. Since my ascendant’s ruler coincides with my sun’s ruler (sun and ascendant in leo, which by the way are in conjunction) does this mean that the sun is my dominant planet? Yet, my mars and mercury (both in virgo) both make 7 major aspects which according to some astrology books can indicate dominance. Still, other books say that the planet which is closest to the MC is the dominant – yet, my closest planet is jupiter and it is in the 11 house which is not so close. So, I will be really thankful if someone can explain which of these is true and is it possible to have 2 dominant planets in your chart.Phil, thanks a lot for the answer 🙂 Jupiter in my chart makes rather “hard”, if I can put it in this way, aspects with saturn, uranus and neptune (oppositions) and is semisquare to the ascendant, yet there are no aspects to Mars and Mercury. Apart from Mars and Mercury I have my moon and venus in virgo, but there is no stellium. Mars conjuncts Mercury (1 house) and Moon conjuncts Venus(2 house). I have great emphasis on leo and virgo. And my sun is in the 12 house.
A: Firstly, there’s the planet that rules your sun-sign. Then there’s the planet that rules the ascendent sign, and the planet physically closest to the MC. In addition to that, if your chart is a particular shape some of them have a ruling planet, leading planet, planet of power etc. You need to take into account your whole chart to find your ruling planet. On top of that you need to look to see if there’s a cluster of planets in one sign. For you Mars and Mercury dominate a fair amount of your life. Setting strict rules like “which one’s the dominant planet” isn’t really what astrology’s about. You know which forces are powerful in your life, and which energies seem to permeate through every facet of your life. The chart ruler planet is the one that is the most dominant in your life. In your case I would say Jupiter is pretty dominant as it is in your 11th house, which is your friendship house that makes up a pretty big part of your life. And if that forms a few aspects to other planets, esp Mars and Mercury I would say that’s pretty dominant. And yes. The Sun is a pretty powerful force in your life. I would say you’re a person with a pretty outgoing, big way of living but you have one section of your life in the Virgo house that’s more secluded, which others don’t know much about, and you treat differently to the rest of your life but it does influence the rest of your life, but without knowing the aspects etc I could not really say. It’s possible to have more than 2 dominant planets in your chart.
what it means really when a planet is said to be “Strong” in a chart?how different r influences to and from it?
Q: and one other question..why and HOW planets such as Venus are stronger in their own sign or house ..I think Venus rules the 7th? and 2nd? so how this would be a good thing to have Venus in a house it rules (2nd or 7th..btw, which would it be STRONGEST in?) and same goes for ANY planet..whether that be Jupiter..saturn, mars, etc..WHY is it a good thing to have it “STRONG” in chart..and how it would compete with your own personal planet (ruler of Ascendant or sun sign?) in its influence?maybe the influence is not really felt stronger…it just means more “Luck” or importance in persons life?which one?please xplain what you canthanks for your answers!
A: Greetings;When you have a strong planet in your chart, that planet vibrates to its closest characteristics. What creates a strong planet is in a few conditions:1. In its natural rulership – Sun in leo, moon in cancer, mercury in gemini/virgo, etc.2. In its natural house – Sun in 5th house, moon in 4th, etc.3. The sign of the planet and the sign of the house cusp are the same . This is something that I find plays a very strong influence. Example, a Leo Sun and the house cusp is in Cancer, The qualities of that sun now needs to go through cancer before it expresses itself, and being in a different sign will weaken the disposition of the planet. 4. Dispositior in the chart.5. Aspects to the planet, the more and stronger the aspects to a planet brings more energy about that planet. Inferiror planet to inferior planet will have a strong role than a superior planet to a superior planet. And the tigher the orb the stronger the energy. No out of sign aspects, unless a inconjunct or quincux. 6. Sometimes a pergrine planet can play a strong role. Seldom does an astrologer consider this luck. It is stronger because it vibrates a louder awareness.
how can you tell which houses Jupiter is “Ruler of” in your chart?
Q: and would this include BOTH houses that fall in Saggiterius in your chart? if one house is more into saggiterius than the other…however the other one begins on the cusp..how you can determine which one it is more” ruler of”?also, what really is the IMPORTANCE of knowing the houses a planet “rules” or is “lord of” ..how this helps in interpretation of transit periods or aspects.please explain best you can this technique.thanks for your answers!
A: your best bet is to take an Astrology course as here you will be able to make your Birth or Event Chart, your rising signs you can learn about all 12 houses and each of there rullers. Other wise you can use the net.
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