What is the uncontrolled division of cells known as

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Cancer is what it is called when you’ve got an uncontrolled growth of cells. Keep on doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-uncontrolled-division-of-cells-known-as ]
More Answers to “What is the uncontrolled division of cells known as
What is a malignant growth resulting from uncontrolled cell divis…?
Cancer is a malignant growth that results from the uncontrolled cell division. Carcinogenesis is caused by this mutation of the genetic material of normal cells, which upsets the normal balance between proliferation and cell death. ChaCha a…
Is uncontrolled cell division a characteristic of cancer?
Yes, cancer is characterized by excessive, uncontrolled reproduction of abnormal cells.
How is cancer caused by uncontrolled cell division?
The cells divide uncontrollably and eventually form masses of cells called tumors. These tumors are basically a mutation that causes the body to not function properly.

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Q: here it my essay: Cancer in AmericaWhat is something that is a leading cause of death in the United States? Cancer is. What is cancer? Cancer in the dictionary is described as any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic. The things the dictionary doesn’t mention are what cancer does to people and what it does to their families. In the year 2007 alone cancer was the reason for 7.9 million deaths. Cancer is very complex. There are many different types of cancer. In fact there are over 200 different types of cancer a person could get, and 60 different organs in which cancer can grow. Cancer comes in stages 1, 2, 3, and 4. The doctors also grade you tumor from 1-4. Some cancer grows in a quick manner while others grow slowly. Some are easier to treat and others a hard to treat. Everything depends on which stage they find the cancer in, and if the cancer has spread. I know a thing or two about cancer because when I was 13 years old my dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer. It was a fast growing cancer called Renal Cell Carcinoma. He was in stage 4 of cancer and was told that the probability was he would pass away from it. For 7 hard weeks he slowly declined in health until his unfortunate passing. Renal Cell grows so fast that his grew from his kidney to his lungs, heart muscles, and brain in that short amount of time we knew he even had cancer. If he had a different type of cancer, it might not have grown so fast and they could have treated it properly and maybe even saved his life. Before my dad was diagnosed with cancer, he was a fun loving, active man. One of his favorite things was watching the Ohio State Buckeyes, it didn’t matter the sport but football was his favorite. He walked 8 miles a day as he worked for the United States Postal service as a mail carrier. I remember once right before we found out he was sick he said we took our dog to the vet. While we were sitting in the small quiet lobby, a UPS man walked in to deliver the package. My dad said “Trip him he is the enemy!” I laughed as he explained the competition between UPS and the USPS. Before he was sick he weight 180 and was always laughing and having a good time. He always wore his red Ohio State ball cap with a pair of jeans, and usually an Ohio State Shirt. At Thanksgiving, he would gobble and sound just like a turkey on our answering machine. Everyone would laugh so hard at him that it took about 5 times before you could actually hear the recording instead of our laughter. He was always making jokes and laughing. I still can hear it sometimes, and I remember his smile like I saw it yesterday. He wore glasses and he looked like a healthy 51 year old man. Then the cancer came and he lost a lot of stuff. He died at 120 something pounds, his hair turned all grey and a lot of it came out, and he lost getting to see his baby girl grow up and his future grandchildren. He wasn’t the same dad I knew for 13 years, but I will always remember the good times instead of how he was when he died.Cancer affects the people that have the cancer, and the people around them. Last December my mom’s 39 year old friend passed away from cancer. She had 2 kids, one 16 year old daughter and a 12 year old son. After she passed at 8 pm, her daughter lost her mind and went in to wake her up to take her to school. No 16 year old should have to go through that. Cancer is why my 4 year old nephew will never meet his grandpa, although I believe that they met before he was born. Cancer is also why my dad missed my high school graduation, my prom, my first day of work, and why I will have to ask someone else to walk me down the aisle when I get married. All the stuff that affects me also affected my dad as I know he would have wanted to see me do all of those things. It scared him and made him depressed. He said to my mom “Gloria, I don’t want to die.” I cannot imagine what he was going through but never let us see. My dad was courageous and tried to hide it from us so we wouldn’t be as upset. He told me that I was a kid and he wanted me to move on with my life and be happy and be a kid while I could. He didn’t know how hard that would be for me and to this day I still haven’t done it. He also said to me, “See how lucky I am.” When a St. Jude’s commercial came on with children that were dying of cancer. I didn’t know what to think of that statement, I was proud that he felt that way but so sad that he even had to think it at the same time. Cancer gives out heartbreak, much more than any 1 person should have to deal with in their life. Cancer shocks people and it also scares them. The one thing cancer can not do is take someone’s memories from them, which is stated in a saying I found after my dad died. The saying goes like this: “Cancer is so limited…It cannot cripple love, It cannot shatter hope, It cannot corrode faith, It cannot destroy peace, It cannot yea it took me 3 hours with looking everything up and stuff.
A: What is a leading cause of death in the United States? Cancer.What is cancer? The definition of cancer is “any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system”. The dictionary does not mention what cancer does to people and their families. In the year 2007 cancer was the reason for 7.9 million deaths.Cancer is very complex and there are many different types of cancer. In fact there are over 200 different types of cancer and 60 different organs in which cancer can grow. Cancer comes in stages 1, 2, 3, and 4. The doctors also grade your tumor from 1 to 4. Some cancer grows quickly while others grow slowly. Some are easier to treat and others a hard to treat. Everything depends on which stage they find the cancer and if the cancer has spread.I have a personal experience of cancer. When I was 13 years old my dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer. His was a fast growing cancer called “Renal Cell Carcinoma” (RCC). He was in stage 4 of cancer and was told that the he would probably die from it.Over 7 difficult weeks he slowly declined in health until his unfortunate passing. RCC grows fast and his spread from his kidney to his lungs, heart muscles, and brain in a very short period of time. It was spreading before we even knew he had cancer.If he had a different type of cancer, it might not have grown so fast and his doctors could have treated it properly and maybe even saved his life.Before my dad was diagnosed with cancer, he was a fun loving, active man. One of his favorite things was watching the Ohio State Buckeyes, it didn’t matter the sport but football was his favorite. He walked 8 miles a day in his job as a United States Postal Service mail carrier.I remember once right before we found out he was sick we took our dog to the vet. While we were sitting in the small quiet lobby, a UPS man walked in to deliver the package. My dad said “Trip him – he is the enemy!” I laughed as he explained the competition between UPS and the USPS!Before he was sick he weighed 180 pounds and was always laughing and having a good time. He always wore his red Ohio State ball cap with a pair of jeans, and usually an Ohio State shirt. At Thanksgiving, he would make sounds just like a turkey on our answering machine. Everyone would laugh so hard at him that it took about 5 times before you could actually hear the recording instead of our laughter.He was always making jokes and laughing. I still can hear it sometimes, and I remember his smile like I it was yesterday. He wore glasses and he looked like a healthy 51 year old man. Then the cancer came.He died at 120 something pounds, his hair turned all grey and a lot of it came out. He missed getting to see his baby girl grow up and his grandchildren. He wasn’t the same dad I knew for 13 years, but I will always remember the good times instead of how he was when he died.Cancer affects the people that have the cancer, and the people around them. Last December my mom’s 39 year old friend passed away from cancer. She had 2 kids, one 16 year old daughter and a 12 year old son. After she passed at 8 pm, her daughter lost her mind and went in to wake her up to take her to school. No 16 year old should have to go through that.Cancer is why my 4 year old nephew will never meet his grandpa, although I believe that they met before he was born. Cancer is also why my dad missed my high school graduation, my prom, my first day of work, and why I will have to ask someone else to walk me down the aisle when I get married.All the stuff that affects me also affected my dad as I know he would have wanted to see me do all of those things. It scared him and made him depressed. He said to my mom “Gloria, I don’t want to die.”I cannot imagine what he was going through but he never let us see. My dad was courageous and he tried to hide it from us so we wouldn’t be as upset. He told me that I was a kid and he wanted me to move on with my life and be happy and be a kid while I could. He didn’t know how hard that would be for me and to this day I still haven’t done it.When a St. Jude’s commercial came on with children that were dying of cancer he said to me, “See how lucky I am?” I didn’t know what to think of that statement, I was proud that he felt that way but so sad that he even had to think it at the same time.Cancer gives out heartbreak, much more than any 1 person should have to deal with in their life. Cancer shocks people and it also scares them. The one thing cancer can not do is take someone’s memories from them. I found this saying after my dad died. The saying goes like this: “Cancer is so limited – it cannot cripple love, it cannot shatter hope, it cannot corrode faith, it cannot destroy peace, it cannot.”
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