What is the worst thing you could get cancer from

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Cancer begins in your cells, which are the building blocks of your body. The worse thing is if you get it for no reason. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-worst-thing-you-could-get-cancer-from ]
More Answers to “What is the worst thing you could get cancer from
What is the worst thing you could get cancer from
Cancer begins in your cells, which are the building blocks of your body. The worse thing is if you get it for no reason.

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The WORST thing besides cancer? Anxiety!?
Q: I have lived my whole life as a healthy guy….until May 18th….when an Anxiety disorder reared its ugly head, shortyly after my wife and i’s miscarrage. Well of corse, being a realist, i caould not see how some mental anguish could affect me…but boy was i in for a suprise. General Anxiety Disorder! Thats what its called, a common mental ailment, known for causing similar symptoms of more ‘serious’ conditions such as, tumors, heat attacks, and strokes….Honestly now, how can you NOT get freaked out when your throwing football with the guys and BAM you get suddenly dizzy and feel like your about to feint. Its no joke, and its not funny. The worst thing in this world is dying from cancer. The thing in this world thats almost as bad, thinking everyday you are dying from the unkown.________Hi, im writing a book on Anxiety, and my intro will go something along them lines. what do you all think?
A: keep out the BAM part and go a little more euphoric, very good, I got the whole image in my head c(^^c)
My book- Anxiety, the thing not worse than cancer.?
Q: I have lived my whole life as a healthy guy….until May 18th….when an Anxiety disorder reared its ugly head, shortyly after my wife and i’s miscarrage. Well of corse, being a realist, i caould not see how some mental anguish could affect me…but boy was i in for a suprise. General Anxiety Disorder! Thats what its called, a common mental ailment, known for causing similar symptoms of more ‘serious’ conditions such as, tumors, heat attacks, and strokes….Honestly now, how can you NOT get freaked out when your throwing football with the guys and BAM you get suddenly dizzy and feel like your about to feint. Its no joke, and its not funny. The worst thing in this world is dying from cancer. The thing in this world thats almost as bad, thinking everyday you are dying from the unkown.________Hi, im writing a book on Anxiety, and my intro will go something along them lines. what do you all think?
A: Sounds like a good premise, but I’d proofread the grammer, spelling and punctuation before submitting it.
Mixed signals from the family, what do you make of it? (A Trans Question)?
Q: So, not quite a year ago my extended family got the news that I am trans and was going to transition physically. I got nothing but positive remarks and well wishes from everyone who made any comment on my situation.Now, I’m being left with the impression that maybe it wasn’t as sincere as I had thought. I know, I know, there are worst things that could have happened but all these little things make me wonder if they are saying one thing to my face and another when I am not around.My Aunt, for example. I was over at her house and somehow we got on the topic of my upcoming chest reconstruction. She asked how much it would hurt, and I started to tell her a few vague details. She then made a face and said “Ew gross! I don’t want to know! Oh! It’s making me sick just thinking about how much it’s going to hurt!”. This from a woman in her fifties… very mature. She then made the remark that when she talks about me with her friends she still calls me by my former name and uses female pronouns, but uses my “new name and the he him stuff” when talking about me in the present (she makes some sort of distinguishing line between then and now I guess). I was absolutely devastated when she told me this. It felt like she was slicing up my identity and didn’t get that I always had been a “he him”…Another one (or two) who are leaving me with the impression that they aren’t so keen on me being male anymore are my grandparents, particularly my grandmother. When I returned to town in April I was down there with my mother and they both (grandparents) kept on ‘she-ing’ me. I corrected them and they apologized. I was there the other day and my Grandfather began sheing me again, and I said ‘he’ and he just starred at me with a blank look. Then another day when I called them I could here him calling to my grandmother “Pick up! It’s *girl name*, SHE wants to speak with you.”Also, today my grandmother called me “a little b!tch” and told me she thinks all doctors are full of nonsense and medicine is a lie. Ignoring the fact that she’s been cancer free for ten years thanks to medical advances… I’m trying to not read that as a remark that she thinks my transition is bogus… but it’s really hard.Sorry this is so longwinded, but it’s been eating at me all evening. Am I just being oversensitive? Or am I seeing cracks in a fake acceptance from some family members? Should I confront them or just suck it up and be happy they don’t draw and quarter me or something?Thanks for all well thought out and constructive comments in advanced. Any counter productive remarks will be laughed at.
A: I’m sorry you’re dealing with this kind of situation *hug*What will most likely happen is as you further progress in your transition – post testosterone, post surgery – it’ll sink in, once you’re not recognizable as the girl they knew growing up.You can always simply lay it to them straight: if you can’t refer to me by the proper name and proper pronoun, then please don’t speak to me at all. I have very little tolerance from people who are disrespectful, I don’t care if they’re seven or seventy, human dignity is human dignity, and I deserve it as much as the next guy.I wish you the best of luck hon. You know where to find me if you want to chit chat.
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