What kind of pain do cancer patients feel

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Pain is often one of the most troubling side effects of cancer. It can be mild, moderate or severe. Almost all cancer patients experience some kind of pain. Keeping the cancer patient as comfortable as possible is always optimal. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-pain-do-cancer-patients-feel ]
More Answers to “What kind of pain do cancer patients feel
What kind of pain do cancer patients feel
Pain is often one of the most troubling side effects of cancer. It can be mild, moderate or severe. Almost all cancer patients experience some kind of pain. Keeping the cancer patient as comfortable as possible is always optimal. ChaCha aga…

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What should I do about a pill thief?
Q: I was sitting with my father today, holding his hand. You see he is in his final days of cancer. I do hope none of you experience this with your family member. Its hard to see the man who raised you, protected and loved you, in pain and leaving you in such a bad way. I only live two blocks from my parents, but only see them about once every two weeks. Still, we are very close. Needless to say, there has been a lot of family visiting from out of town. (I like to call them the wolves; you know, the ones who only come around every few years when they need something). Anyway, today was no different. My eldest brother, 49 years old, has been in town for two days. First of all, I keep my distance from this brother, as he has robbed my home on several occassions. He is a known alcoholic and drug addict. Now, here is where my delema begins. My father, who is obviously on all kinds of pain killers including oxycotin, morephine, xanax..etc..(the list goes on to about $6,000 bucks worth a month), keeps his pain pills hidden, as to keep the thieves out of them.I was sitting holding my father’s hand, talking of Christmas trees and rubbing his tummy, when I noticed my brother being quiet in the kitchen. I leaned forward a bit and spied him opening the medicine cabinet and pulling out vials of pills, then quietly, and very stealthily, he set them back, he shut the cabinet taking nothing. I sighed and was glad he made a good decision. Then boom…he did it again. Still he took nothing, he only checked out the lables. But, as always, the third time is the charm… he slowly pulled the bottle (hiding the noise) out of the cabinet, opened the lid, closed the lid, put it back gently on the shelf where it was found, then gently closed the cabinet door, and I watched as he SLIPPED the pills in his shirt pocket. Well, my dying father was looking to see what had my attention so long. and HE SAW IT TOO!…He said to me, “He’s taking my pain pills, what will I do without them? Do something!” So, I did. I confronted him. My 129lbs to his 276lbs. I heard God say, BE BOLD, I GOT YOUR BACK, and at once, I told him that I had seen his thievery. His response sounded like a demon; he said he hated me and the whole family hated me as well. My father began to cry, and hardly able to breathe, he said that it was not true and for him to leave his house at once. Seeing my father was upset and needed peace, I comforted my father at once, and pulled my brother to another room where I confronted my brother in private. He said that my mother gave them to him…lol..yeah right, I thought….but, when i asked mom, her eyes got wide. Then she lied to me, to keep the police at bay and to protect him, that was when my mother, covering for him, said she gave him permission to take the pills. I KNOW THAT IS NOT TRUE by the way he went about stealing them. Opening the cabinet three times, sneaking one bottle out at a time. But, my mother wanted me to “not start trouble” and get my dad upset. Here’s the clencher. I was filming my father telling everyone Merry Christmas and had the camera on when this happened…talking about the right timing for once…anyway, its on film!! My mom is a great mother, she is affraid of my brothers, and has always made me feel bad for trying to do the right thing, in order to keep the peace. I’ve not told anyone I have the film. I’ve not told anyone of his stealing of the pills. But, I somehow, feel I’m doing myself and my father a disservice not at least telling someone, who can help me prevent this from happening again. Stealing painkillers from a cancer patient especially your father, just feels SO wrong to me! Be honest. What would you do? Who would you tell, if anybody?From a loving daughter…
A: My heart goes out to you and as messed up as it sounds your brother is dealing with his pain in a very destructive way.This should not be taken lightly because if he is taken script drugs it is against the law… and I am betting they are narcotics which can be very dangerous for not only your dad who needs them, but for your brother and those in your family who are around him if he is taking them.You can politely tell your brother that if he continues to take them from your father that you will report him to the police.
Advice about Breast Lump?
Q: My OB/Gyn found a lump in my right breast and she had me do an ultrasound because I am young (27) and it wasn’t cancer or anything malignant, I think she’d said it was a cyst. She just said we need to keep an eye on it. However I have been having pain that keeps increasing each day, at times severe.I saw her again in July, and the lump had significantly grown that her jaw dropped and she said to me, last time the lump was less than 1cm, and she told me not to panic but she said to me that i needed to see a surgeon and have the lump removed as it has or possibly many lumps have grown and now it was half the size of my breast (and I’m a 36DD). She did order another ultrasound which still confirmed there was nothing dangerous.I consulted the surgeon,I did not like her, she did not seem to be listening to me when I told her about how much it hurt or how it felt numb when palpated, she assured me that it was not cancer but she thought it could just be nodular tissue however, she said, I’ll quote her: I will not remove half your breast before I make sure I know what it is. She ordered and MRI & a Mammo, which I just had both done and I got my results, she sent them to me, saying: no suspicious findings. However, I heard that she is the kind of surgeon that will not easily treat patients who don’t have a dangerous problem, she might just give up on my case just because I don’t have anything urgent. It might not be a dangerous thing but the growth and the pain to me are an urgent matter.My ob/gyn said to me, if in 5 months this lump grew this enormous, what would happen if you let it grow 5 more months? And what about the pain? I have RSD, any pain I feel is usually deeper and more severe.The results of the MRI however did mention that Both breasts have this, yet I have pain in one breast, am i going to start having pain in the other? MRI Results: Withing both breasts are well circumscribed T2 bright nodules consistent with cysts. There is patchy fibroglandular tissue distributed throughout the right & left breasts. There is minimal background enhancement, less than 25%. There is no morphologic evidence of a suspicious mass lesion. No focal areas of enhancement are seen to suggest the presence of malignancy. There are no secondary signs of malignancy. Mammo Results: The breasts are heterogeneously dense, which could obscure detection of small masses (approximately 51% -75% glandular). There is no skin thickening, suspicious cluster of calcifications or suspicious mass.
A: if you think you need to get a 2nd opinion but if it is cancer have a possitive adtiude. my mom had breast cancer and had a lot of support and a pos additude. she was great during her surgerys and chemo. God Bless! =0)
College essay! Feedbacks please!! Proof read please!!!?
Q: When I look at this picture of myself, I realize how much I’ve grown and changed. Not only did I change physically, but also mentally as a person In the last couple of years. Less than one month after this photograph was taken, I arrived at North Shore Community College without expectations. Around me in this picture are the things which were most important in my life at the time.I will strive to be a tremendous asset to Northeastern University by devoting all my time to becoming an excellent student. I believe that it is my obigation to use my talents in a constructive manner- in a manner that benefits society. A career in the medical field will give me the unique opportunity to express my many talents while benefiting others.Going to a medical school and earning a degree has always been a dream of mine. I, like many people, have been through times of sorrow. I have watched loved ones in pain and with uncertainty of their future. Just recently a long lost uncle has reappeared in our lives. Although I’m glad he is reunited with us, his family, I’m sad and worried about him. He has been diagnosed with throat cancer, and must undergo chemotherapy. Witnessing his struggles causes me to urgently want to learn more about steps into recovery and how I can be of help. Cancer causes way too many people to die too soon. IWanting to become a doctor has always been a passion of mine ever since I was a little girl. Now that I am older that feeling has grown into a heartfelt desire. I want to be a doctor, so I can serve others and help them feel great physically and mentally. I have shared the lives of my patients as a personal care attendant, I have laughed and cried with them. I feel strongly that being a doctor one day is my calling.I believe that I have the ability to improve and expand my communication skills. I constantly meet numerous people- different kinds of people. I believe that this makes me well- suited to pursue a medical career. I also consider myself a “people” person. As a sales consultant, I interact and communicate with a variety of people thereby expanding my ability to discuss a wide range of topics. People quickly feel comfortable with me and constantly disclose their personal issues to me. From this I have become not only a good conversationalist, but also an excellent listener. In medical school, I also plan to do volunteer work. One of my most rewarding experiences has been the privilege to help patients as a Personal Care Attendant.I am highly motivated to succeed. I dramatically improved my grades following a time at North Shore Community College. In the past year I have learned a lot through my experiences and relationships. I realized that by trying so hard to make everyone else happy, I neglected my own needs and interests. Once I realized what my goal in life was, I became determined to work hard to succeed in achieving it.I have been diligent in my pursuit of medicine as a career, because I am convinced that medicine offers me the opportunity to live a fulfilling and rewarding life dedicated to helping others. I will enter medicine with an eagerness to learn. To be given the opportunity to attend Northeastern University would be a great reward for my diligence and persistence, and would bring me closer to achieving my ambition to become a doctor.
A: I’m going through your essay right now. I’ll put up a link of my suggestions, since this text field isn’t really ideal.Edit:Here is the proof-read essay.http://www.4shared.com/file/25076806/31dcddee/med_essay.htmlI changed some things I thought sounded a little awkward. Anything crossed out is just stuff I would leave out of the essay if I were writing it. And the highlighter stuff is what I would add. Feel free to keep or get rid of what ever you like.
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