What kind of skin cancer can people get

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What kind of skin cancer can people get”,you can compare them.

The three main types of skin cancer are: 1. basal cell carcinoma 2. squamous cell carcinoma 3. malignant melanoma. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-skin-cancer-can-people-get ]
More Answers to “What kind of skin cancer can people get
What kind of skin cancer can people get
The three main types of skin cancer are: 1. basal cell carcinoma 2. squamous cell carcinoma 3. malignant melanoma. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer.
What kind of people are at the risk of developing skin cancer ??
Years and years ago, only light skinned people were at a greater risk until they came out with suntan lotions that had a very high number for better protection. It isn’t just putting on lotion and thinking you can go lay out in the sun for …

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A: nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss without trying to lose weight, pain in the upper or middle of your abdomen, or yellowing of your skin (jaundice). Be aware though, that these symptoms can all be coming from other parts of your body that are affected. See a doctor.
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Q: My dog Conway is 11 years old. He is a whippet. For the past few months his penis has bleed a little few drops of blood now and then but it never seemed to bother him, now there is a hudge hard ball like thing under his penis. i dont know if its his other ball or what. Ive had no money at all to take conway to the vet about the bleeding but now i know i must take him! but i have no money to i honestly dont…what should i do? could i get pet insurance or no becuase he is already sick? or do vet’s have programs for low income people? or pay plans for ppl with no credit? and for now can i put peroxide on it or soap and water.. its a big swollen thing and its so big the skin is kind of sore and raw.. so its bleeding a tiny bit. please help me out guys. any answers will help.*Kristin* ps im not putting him asleep do dont suggest it he doesnt seem to be in that much pain he is still eating, peeing,drinking water and wagging his tale when i came home. thanKs.
A: Almost all vets will work out a payment plan. Get Conway to the vet pronto. Like now.
If you weren’t allowed to wear sandals or open-toed shoes, what kind of outfit/clothes/shoes would you wear?
Q: I’m curious to see what kind of outfits people come up with. I know summer’s an especially popular time to wear sandals, so how would you deal with this? I’ve been wearing sandals for a long time now, but I’m worried about getting skin cancer on my feet. As a teen girl, I want to know what else I can wear besides sandals and summer clothes if I still want to look fashionable.This will probably sound kind of stupid, I go to college in SoCal, so I’m worried that I won’t look as good if I don’t wear sandals.This will probably sound kind of stupid, but I go to college in SoCal, so I’m worried that I won’t look as good if I don’t wear sandals.
A: Just use sunblock on your feet if that’s your worry.
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