What person lived longest with cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What person lived longest with cancer”,you can compare them.

The survival rate for a Cancer patient differs on so many contributing factors. There is not a world record at this time. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-person-lived-longest-with-cancer ]
More Answers to “What person lived longest with cancer
What person lived longest with cancer
The survival rate for a Cancer patient differs on so many contributing factors. There is not a world record at this time. Thanks!
How Long Can a Person Live With Bone Cancer?
・ When discussing the survival rates of bone cancer, the term “five-year survivability” simply means that… ・ Other factors in the lethality of bone cancer are the size and location of the cancer, the length of… ・ The survivabi…
How long can a person live with pancreatic cancer??
Pancreatic cancer is very serious. I lost a friend to it last spring. The 3-6 month expectancy is fairly accurate when there is liver involvement. I hope there are some treatments for your father that will give him more time and ease his pa…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long can a person live with pancreatic cancer?
Q: My Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last week. It has also spread to his liver. My sister looked online and clames that the life expectence from the time of diognisis is 3 to 6 months. I am just hoping that there is someone out there that may know more about it and if it is true that he may only live for only another 3 to 6 months. Ineed to know what I am facing, my mother is not telling me anything because she can’t face it herself and he is in complete dinale about his condition.
A: Pancreatic cancer is very serious. I lost a friend to it last spring. The 3-6 month expectancy is fairly accurate when there is liver involvement. I hope there are some treatments for your father that will give him more time and ease his pain.
If left untreated, how long can a person live with testicular cancer?
Q: There’s nothing wrong with me, I just wondered, what if you never knew you had it until it was too late?
A: Every single patient with every type of tumour may behave differently. patients certainly do often present with tumours in all sites that are too far advanced to be treated usefully.
how long does a person live with esophageal cancer that has spread to the liver(stage IV)?
Q: My mother in-law found out two weeks ago she has esophageal cancer and it has went to her liver, she is 64 years young and had her first chemo treatment a few days ago which is not having her feel very good, but she won’t tell us everything the doctors are saying like how long does she have to live, she just says it’s not good!! What does that mean?? As a family I think we should have an idea on her time left here so we can start preparing our minds , so if there is anyone who knows anything please let me know. We are sure she probably won’t be around this time next year but if it;s shorter than that we need to know. Thank you for your time in reading this I hope you can help.
A: Esophageal cancer is a very aggressive cancer. Treatment of stage IV esophageal cancer usually includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical removal of the affected part of the esophagus. Unfortunately, once it has spread, especially to places like the liver, long-term survival is not likely. I am betting that without treatment, she’s probably looking at 3-6 months, but with treatment, she’s probably looking at up to 18 months. Given that she won’t tell you all what the doctor is saying, she’s probably looking at the lower end of the spectrum.
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