When was the word cancer first used

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The origin of the word cancer is credited to the Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.), considered the “Father of Medicine.” [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-was-the-word-cancer-first-used ]
More Answers to “When was the word cancer first used
What year was the word cancer used?
Good answer from John; I just want to add that one of the reasons you may not remember the word cancer from the 50s and 60s is that people talked about it far less than they do now. It’s still a word people are scared by, and many people …

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science project for skin cancer?
Q: okay so i really need science extra credit to boost up my grade and i need to make it really good. she said if i did research and wrote a report about skin cancer than she’d accept it. it needs to be really good, but im only in 7th grade so you cant use “big” words.this is what i have so far:Skin cancer is a disease that cancer cells are identified in the outer layer of your skin. Have you ever realized how valuable your skin is? It protects you from things such as high temperatures, brightness, injuries, infections, and many more things. It also stores important needs such as water, vitamin D, and fat. Signs of skin cancer is usually identified as changes in your skin type. If you have a sore that won’t heal, and if that sore is a lump that is reddish or reddish brown, you may have skin cancer. Also, if it isn’t a lump but it is scaly or rough, there’s a chance you could have skin cancer.It is known sunlight, or sunburn can cause skin cancer. First, the irritation damages your skin, and then it leads to skin cancer. Skin cancer is also hereditary. 80% of people receive skin cancer from the sun by 18 years of age. Tanning is the skins response when the sunlight hits it, but this reaction can not protect itself from skin cancer. The good part of everything is, when you are sun burnt, it could take up to twenty years to become a more dangerous matter such as skin cancer. can someone help me with the rest? it probably should be about two pages. thank you :]
A: I am impressed, too bad you did not put this much effort into your regular studies so that you would not need to do “extra-credit”. But it could serve you well in your lifetime! I love your start. Here is some help…A better introduction…explain what cancer is. You state that cancer is a disease and that it is identified in the outer layer of the skin. To make a stronger case, identify what cancer is: basically it is a cell that divides and reproduces abnormally and has the potential to spread throughout the body, crowding out normal cells and tissues.(http://cancer.about.com/od/newlydiagnosed/a/whatcancer.htm) will explain it better.You explain what the skin does (great) and why we need it. Then you tell of what skin cancer can appear as. Then you tell how you can get it. But how about 2008? Why is it important today? This will answer those questions for you…”More than 1 million new cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year.Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are the two most common forms of skin cancer, but are easily treated if detected early.Current estimates are that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. 0ne American dies of melanoma almost every hour (every 62 minutes). In 2008, 8,420 deaths will be attributed to melanoma — 5,400 men and 3,020 women.These statistics make a stronger argument about the need to prevent skin cancer…Finally, I would discuss ways to prevent skin cancer…stay out of the sun, use sun tanning lotions, and whatever other ways you can think of, remember you get tanned even if the sun is not out.Here is the source of the information quoted and you wil need to cite it in your report. http://www.aad.org/media/background/factsheets/fact_skincancer.htmHere is how to do it, On-line I found out a web site called……it states that……………..I hope this helps…you did most of the work, and telling what cancer is would help your paper, and then the dangers of the cancer itself, and some statistics letting the reader know how dangerous this disease is, and finally how to prevent it.
Q: IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS LONG, BUT FOR 7 MONTHS I HAVE BEEN HOLDING ON!!!my bf is really shy, we started dating on army camp, im his second gf and first kiss. he gave me his jumper one time to keep because i was realy cold, we have been dating for 7 months now, every time i talk to him on the phone, he will go on about himself and talk about footy and the army and random stuff,i sort of feel as though i cant speak freely really. i respect him and about 3 months into the relationship he gave me his great grandmothers necalace, then he gave me his mums old phone so i could text him more and be with telstra so it wont cost us both to much money. about 4 months into the relationship we had absolutely no chemistry what so ever, and he then invited me out to dinner and theatre with his strict fokes. his parents treat him like a kid, which is awkward cos i am so close to my parents, his fokes chek his phone al the time and i think he has a bed time cos hes always in bed by 8-9. weve only been on about 3 dates, including the one with his parents, lol.. he went on hollidays for 2 weeks and i didnt hear a word from him for 2 weeks, so i was extremely patient, then i wished him a hapy new year and said i love you, and he never replied., then i txt him the next day and said hey how are you..he said, “yeah ok”- and went on about his holliday. and that was it. though every night he texts before going to bed saying night beautiful, though when we were dating i told him once a few months bak i needed a break from him- long story short- he called up and wanted to tlk about it and he wanted to keep getting to know me more, and i said im just scared of getting hurt and all, and he said he would neve hurt me, an im the only girl hes interested in, cos it feels as though we are just friends, although he gets errections around me, and hes breathed heavy around me a few times b4 and he caresses and squeezes my hand heaps when he holds it. and he also gave me a poem it said stuff like how much i make him happy and hes not sad anymore, and he loves my smile and the way i laugh, and when im with him it feels like he won a million dollars and stuff like that. SATURDAY-one of his friends told him- look mate ur treating ur gf like shit, all u talk about is yourself, uve made her shy she use to be outgoing, and ever since then hes slowly made progress, via to saying- he misses me and cant wait to see me, and he loves me, when i called him we spoke pretty wel for about an hour, though he mentioned a couple of things, stuff like how he tickled this girl and him and these guys through her in the pool, though i dont think he knew what he was talking about really, or i dont know whether he is just not maturily ready for a relationship? he is now saying that he couldnt stop thinking about me for 3 weeks while he was on army camp,do u think he could be putting it on? this slow intense weird relationship is kinda getting me to the edge, i cant realy sleep and stop thinking about it, shouild i break up with the poor guy, i feel so emotionaly attatched and im scared to hurt him, why is he doing this? guyss?? girlss??
A: I’m a bit confused. Your question suggest that you have cancer or he does. Which is it? Then you go on about how you met and all and never once mention what kind of help or advice you’re looking for as far as your or his cancer goes. So, clarify please.Oh, If you getting along so great now, why would you want to break up. You said you loved him, now he’s finally responded and so now after waiting and you got basically what you wanted, so why would you want to break up with him now? Being emotionally attached is all part of a relationship. That’s what emotions are for. So, if you’re going to break it off because now you have what you’ve been waiting for, I think you will be the one hurting this guy. Talk about confusing him. I just don’t get it, sorry.
Why do people throw the word “love” around so easily?
Q: I think very few people whos questions I have read know the first thing about love. I think perhaps they use the word love in place of like, lust, or infatuation.Its important to make a very clear distinction, Love is something utterly selfless and it has nothing to do with sex.Let me share a quick story — When I was 13 or 14 I was at my grandparents house. My grandmother was dying of cancer. My grandmother had just finished eating dinner when she started to get sick. My grandfather got up quickly and went over to help her. He caught everything in a small hospital style dish. The she looked up at him and said “Im sorry” with the saddest face I had ever seen her wear. He looked back at her and simple said “Dont be.” I understood right then and there what love truely is.There was no place he would rather be that there taking care of her. He cherished every minute. Thats love.Feel free to flame away and call me names or whatever. Good luck finding love everyone.
A: You are absolutely right, people do throw the word around, & what you saw between your grandparents was true love. Love & sex are somwhat related, however. To feel complete love, you must share bonds such as sex. Sex of course does not in itself mean, represent, or lead to love. But as I said, total & completely fulfilling love includes sex, friendship, trust, joy, & pain etc.. Love is a small word, but it includes a huge amount of “ingredients”. I believe I’ve been blesed in my life, because my own husband has seen me at my absolute worst & looked at me as if I were the cutest thig he’s ever seen, & was more than eager to care for me. I have to say, it is surprising & refreshing to hear a man say what you’ve said. Whoever raised you should be very proud! I’ve met few men in my life that see the importance of the true& huge meaning behind that “little word”. Good luck to you as well!
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