Where do you get blood calcium from

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Calcium comes largely from items containing vitamin D. Too much blood calcium is caused by dysfunctional parathyroid glands, and certain types of cancer can cause high blood calcium. Keep using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-do-you-get-blood-calcium-from ]
More Answers to “Where do you get blood calcium from
Can you get high blood pressure from to much calcium??
There isn’t a direct link between hypercalcemia and high blood pressure. Hypercalcemia per say can result in fatigue, depression, confusion, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, pancreatitis or increased urination. “Bones, stones,…
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I have HIGH calcium & a low PHT past non medical silicone injections(removed) NOONE can figure out whats wrong?
Q: Hi, If ANYONE knows how to help me with this PLEASE do! I have seen doctor after doctor and NO ONE can figure out whats wrong with me. I have renal failure. In the past (6 years ago) i had “silicone” injections done by a NON MEDICAL IMPOSTOR. I went to the doctor b/c my feet were killing me he ordered blood test, found out I had renal faliure,was anemic,have a non obstructing kidney stone, had a very high calcium level(12+) and a low PHT level. Phosphorous is also high… Ive had 2 major surgeries removing the silicone around 3 months ago,all professionals thought that had to be the prob(the silicone). Also had a blood transfusion for the anemia.Was put on prendisone and it started helping but then I got 3 open wounds from the surgeries where the skin was stretched so they had to take me off the prendisone b/c they say it slows the healing of the wounds and makes them more succeptable to injection. Its been over 3 months and nothing has changed,except the blood level has gone up b/c of transfusion from 6.7 hemo to 10+ hemo. But I still feel as bad if not worse. I’m tired all of the time!! My feet hurt sooo bad, I cant stand for more than 5 min. Eyes/head hurts, no appetite, run out of breath very easily,cant sleep, restless legs. I have had cat scans(found calcium deposits on liver,kidney and lungs),ultra sound on parathroid glands, all kinds of blood work. Noone can figure out how to get the calcium down. If ANY doctors out there can provide ANY KIND of help or advice…PLEASSSEEEE DO!! I suffer sooo bad daily, and don’t know how much longer I can go on like this!! I have no fam here to help me and can barley even walk to the bathroom..Thank you for your time and God bless!!
A: smoothazzchick,Whilst hypercalcaemia is often associated with cancer, it is more often caused by primary hyperparathyroidism, which is an endocrine disorder in which the body has too much parathyroid hormone (PTH). This will not apply in your case as you have stated that your PTH is low. However, blood calcium can also be high despite low levels of PTH. Some malignant tumours (for example, lung cancers, breast cancer) produce PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) which increases blood calcium. Excess vitamin D (hypervitaminosis D) from diet or inflammatory diseases can also cause hypercalcemia. Kidney failure, adrenal gland failure, hyperthyroidism, prolonged immobilization, use of a class of diuretics called thiazides, and ingestion of massive amounts of calcium (milk-alkali syndrome) are other potential causes. The normal calcium level in the blood is between 2.2 and 2.6 mmol/l (millimoles per litre). As you correctly stated, your level is elevated. It may be interesting to note that you made a reference to a non-obstructing kidney stone. Increased calcium and phosphorus excretion in the urine may be the cause of your kidney stones. Phosphate is a mineral in the body, and together with calcium makes up most of our bones. Phosphate, like calcium, is also used in other parts of the body to ‘power’ muscle and is used in many other chemical reactions. Phosphate gets into the body in food. Diary products, nuts and meat are three types of food that can contain a lot of phosphate. The normal level of phosphate in the blood is 0.8 to 1.4 mmol/l. You do not indicate the level that your report stated. You are very likely aware of the following facts, but I feel inclined to reiterate that high amounts of calcium and phosphorus in your blood may lead to the formation of calcium deposits. When these deposits build up in places like your heart, arteries, joints, and lungs, it can cause the tissues to harden. These deposits are called calcification. An incorrect balance of phosphorus and calcium can also cause your bones to become weak and can lead to problems in other body systems. This appears to be what is/has happening/ed. Your doctor may prescribe phosphate binders to help control your phosphorus levels, if so, then the phosphate binders must be taken with each meal. The binder and the phosphorus it has absorbed pass out of your body with your bowel movements. You state that you have renal failure. You do not mention if you have chronic kidney disease – CKD. This often will require dialysis which will filter out some of the excess phosphorus in your blood but not all – which is why you will need to keep up with the other parts of your treatment. The symptoms that you describe reference the discomfort in your feet, headaches, tiredness etc, all point towards the high levels of calcium and phosphorus. You would be advised to speak with your doctor(s) to enquire about low phosphorus diet and the level to aim for, also to be aware of the serious effects of a continuous elevated level of both phosphorus and calcium. You must know that you are the most important member of the team that are involved in your care – the doctor(s), medical and nursing staff, dietician, pharmacist etc. No one can do their job if you are not one of the team. Offering any information or advice is extremely difficult in a forum situation, it is not possible to examine or make enquiries and no reference may be made to any reports of tests or examinations. The only details to ‘work’ with are those that you have kindly given. I hope that your condition will improve and I wish you well. ALL ANSWERS SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED, IN ANY FORUM AND ESPECIALLY IN THIS ONE. – MANY ANSWERS ARE FLAWED.It is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms.The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.I add a link with details of this subject which you may find interestinghttp://www.davita.com/ diet-and-nutrition/c/595Hope this helpsmatador 89
I have HIGH calcium&lowPTH past non-med silicone injections(removed) what could be wrong with me? PLEASE HELP!?
Q: Hi, If ANYONE knows how to help me with this PLEASE do! I have seen doctor after doctor and NO ONE can figure out whats wrong with me. I have renal failure in the past (6 years ago) i had “silicone” injections done by a NON MEDICAL IMPOSTOR. I went to the doctor b/c my feet were killing me he ordered blood test, found out I had renal faliure,was anemic,have a non obstructing kidney stone, had a very high calcium level(12+) and a low PHT level. Phosphorous is also high… Ive had 2 major surgeries removing the silicone around 3 months ago,all professionals thought that had to be the prob(the silicone). Also had a blood transfusion for the anemia.Was put on prendisone and it started helping but then I got 3 open wounds from the surgeries where the skin was stretched so they had to take me off the prendisone b/c they say it slows the healing of the wounds and makes them more succeptable to injection. Its been over 3 months and nothing has changed,except the blood level has gone up b/c of transfusion from 6.7 hemo to 9.4 hemo. But I still feel as bad if not worse. I’m tired all of the time!! My feet hurt sooo bad, I cant stand for more than 5 min. Eyes/head hurts, no appetite, run out of breath very easily,cant sleep, restless legs. I have had cat scans(found calcium deposits on liver,kidney and lungs),ultra sound on parathroid glands, all kinds of blood work. Noone can figure out how to get the calcium down. If ANY doctors out there can provide ANY KIND of help or advice…PLEASSSEEEE DO!! I suffer sooo bad daily, and don’t know how much longer I can go on like this!! I have no fam here to help me and can barley even walk to the bathroom..Thank you for your time and God bless!!
A: I am somewhat surprise your doc don’t know what is going on! Don’t mind if i ask which country are you from?In summary, all your symptoms are all related to renal failure (ESRD). Your condition is just typical of a renal pt on dialysis. What you are having is kind of complicated to explain over net. Ask your nephrologist. TO BRING DOWN CALCIUM.When having haemodialysis, there are 2 big cannister of solution of 10 liter each (in some country it’s 1 big cannister plus a packet of white powder). To bring down the calcium level in your blood, just change it to 3A (low calcium content dialysate). Ask your dialysis nurse to do that. Reduce food rich in calcium eg milk.TO BRING DOWN PHOSPHATETo bring down your phosphate level, take a phosphate-binder medication eg Calcium carbonate. Yes, its ironic to use CaCO3 but no other med available (or limited)! And there is some special ways to take the CaCO3, ie you need to chew the tablet and should be taken TOGETHER with food. Next, reduce diet that has high phosphate content, which are milk and milk products, seafood with shell, animal internal organs, oats, biscuit, bread, cake, red meat, beans product incl bean curd, egg yolk….Any typo error? PHT? Should be PTH. Parathyroid Hormone. Unless you mean something else.As to low PTH level, please make sure you are not taking some medication eg Rocaltriol, Calcijex etc. In fact, i suspect the accuracy of your PTH level. I think it should be high instead of low! Repeat the test for PTH level.TO INCREASE HbAnaemia is extremely common in ESRD. You can get prescription from your doc for erythropoeitin products eg Eprex, Recormon. This medication stimulate production of blood cells so as to increase Hb. For Hb 6.4, dosage should be at least 10000iu per week. For Hb 9.4 need dosage of 4000iu per week. This should not be use if your BP is too high. When your Hb goes up, you will feel better, no more tiredness, breathlessness etc. (Please make sure your breathlessness is not due to fluid overload!)TO SOLVE YOUR LEG PAINYour leg pain, is due to too high phophate! Bring down your blood phosphate level. 2 months after phosphate is normalise, the pain should go off. Also, i guess you may feel itch also? Phosphate is the culprit.Nothing to do with silicon. You have two different unrelated problems, ESRD co-morbidity and silicon issue. No point going family doc or surgeon. Physiology in ESRD patients are very different. Go to a nephrologist.Hope this helps.
I have HIGH CALCIUM and LOW PTH past non med silicone injections(removed)NOONE can figure out what wrong!HELP!?
Q: Hi, If ANYONE knows how to help me with this PLEASE do! I have seen doctor after doctor and NO ONE can figure out whats wrong with me. I have renal failure. In the past (6 years ago) i had “silicone” injections done by a NON MEDICAL IMPOSTOR. I went to the doctor b/c my feet were killing me he ordered blood test, found out I had renal faliure,was anemic,have a non obstructing kidney stone, had a very high calcium level(12+) and a low PHT level. Phosphorous is also high… Ive had 2 major surgeries removing the silicone around 3 months ago,all professionals thought that had to be the prob(the silicone). Also had a blood transfusion for the anemia.Was put on prendisone and it started helping but then I got 3 open wounds from the surgeries where the skin was stretched so they had to take me off the prendisone b/c they say it slows the healing of the wounds and makes them more succeptable to injection. Its been over 3 months and nothing has changed,except the blood level has gone up b/c of transfusion from 6.7 hemo to 10+ hemo. But I still feel as bad if not worse. I’m tired all of the time!! My feet hurt sooo bad, I cant stand for more than 5 min. Eyes/head hurts, no appetite, run out of breath very easily,cant sleep, restless legs. I have had cat scans(found calcium deposits on liver,kidney and lungs),ultra sound on parathroid glands, all kinds of blood work. Noone can figure out how to get the calcium down. If ANY doctors out there can provide ANY KIND of help or advice…PLEASSSEEEE DO!! I suffer sooo bad daily, and don’t know how much longer I can go on like this!! I have no fam here to help me and can barley even walk to the bathroom..Thank you for your time and God bless!!
A: Calcium and magnesium interact so too much of one can create a deficiency of the other one due to preferential absorption of the one in excess. Perhaps you could try taking a lot of magnesium supplements to see if it lowers your calcium levels. As you need about 600 mg of magnesium per day and about 1,000 mg of calcium per day perhaps you could try taking 1,200 mg of magnesium a day to see if it reduces your calcium levels.
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