Who is the most deadly cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Who is the most deadly cancer”,you can compare them.

Mesothelioma is a rare, deadly form of cancer and is the deadliest form of cancer a person can get. Take care out there. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-most-deadly-cancer ]
More Answers to “Who is the most deadly cancer
What are some Deadly cancers
Pancreatic cancer is rare and extraordinarily lethal and skin cancer if not found early. Thanks for asking.
What is the most deadly cancer?
Here, “deadly” is interpreted to be “aggressive”, not “common” or “causing the most deaths” in a population. The most deadly cancer is pancreatic cancer. Currently there is no effective method to diag…
Why is cancer so deadly?
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells. These cells were at one time normal healthy cells but have mutated to become abnormal cells. These cells undergo rapid proliferation (copying) with out the normal check points to ensure that copie…

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According to the FBI Cancer, not Scorpio is the most deadly criminal ?
Q: This was a statistical analysis I came across a few months ago I found interesting. Based on zodiac sign’s according to the FBI those born under the Cancer sign are actually the most booked for passion killing and are the most dangerous. Cancers , not Scorpio’s, were rated as having by far the most violent and dangerous temper of all the other zoiac signs.Leo’s were also found to be extremely dangerous along with Capricorns. Capricorns not Scorpio’s were rated as being the most sadistic of all the zodiac signs in their crimes.My girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend was a Cancer who had an extensive criminal record. He is currently in prison for armed robbery. She said she was bailing him out of jail all the time when they were together.I am pretty good friends with a few Capricorns that I know have a criminal past and love to watch horror movies just like I do.I am a Scorpio, according to the FBI I am not as dangerous as astrologers claim. Oh this is really depressing I think I should get on prozac or something to cope with it.lol this reminds me of that song by Alice Cooper “I was killed by love” !!!Thanks for posting the link to the data, not that the link was needed because I posted the question and therefore have full authority over the question. If you don’t like the question don’t bother posting.
A: i don’t know the question butyou might want to watch out, i might kill you!
What is the List of Top 10 cancers which are most aggressive, most deadly, and with worst survival prognosis?
Q: List – Most Deadly (Total Number)List – Most aggressive (Speed)List – Worst survival (Percent who have it and die)This is a morbid question, but I want to know where my cancer stands in the ranking.
A: Sorry to hear you have cancer.Cancers in different systems can’t easily be defined as “more” or “less” aggressive. Malignant brain tumours and pancreatic cancer can be among the most aggressive but it isn’t clear-cut. It depends on what type and what stage your cancer is. You really need to get some input from the doctor or oncologist who is familiar with your case. Don’t assume the worst – mental attitude can affect progression of cancer.
Pancreatic cancer….do you know anyone personally?
Q: who has had it? If so………1. What were the symptoms of this person (I know you don’t always see or feel them).2. After diagnosis, how long did they live?I know for a fact that it is one of the most deadly of cancers that is not curable…………3. Do you know a “survivor” of pancreatic cancer?? I doubt it though…………How can we explain to the world that Patrick Swayze smoking a cigarette isn’t going to make him better? It’s not going to make him worse OR better — one way or the other…..I WORK IN A HOSPITAL – THE PROGNOSIS IS NOT GOOD.We all know this………..so back to the questions above………..
A: My granddad, was told he had it last Sunday (9 days ago).He thought he had a kidney stone and went to the ER, his symptom was just abdominal and back pain.He is expected to pass on any minute now. We thought he was going on Sat but he is hanging on for some reason. He walked into the hospital but had to be brought home by ambulance. Right now he is in a DEEP Sleep, not eating or responding, yesterday he was in a state where he was reliving his past.I personally dont have an opinion about Swayze now
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