Who played Jigsaw

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Jigsaw/John is played by Tobin Bell. Jigsaw is introduced in the series as a dying cancer patient. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-played-jigsaw ]
More Answers to “Who played Jigsaw
What actor play Jigsaw in Saw and Saw II?
Tobin Bell plays the The Jigsaw Killer in the Saw movies.
Which actor plays Jigsaw John Kramer in SAW VI?
Tobin Bell has played Jigsaw in all the Saw movies so far. He has recently confirmed that he will be playing Jigsaw at least through Saw 8.
Can I play jigsaw puzzles on my computer?
free jigsaw puzzles that you can download and play on your computer. Many other sites also offer free jigsaw puzzles online . Some online jigsaw puzzles are played directly within your browser, others are downloaded to your computer to be p…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

who played Noseybonk in `Jigsaw`?
A: Adrian Hedley
What is the name of the actor who plays ¬Jigsaw¬in the Saw movies?
A: Tobin Bell… scary scary guy
How Jigsaw did know who was going to play the game to make the recordings BEFORE he died?
A: why are some people so mean? they say its a movie. get over it. if they don’t like it, why they here answering a question in a movie forum? probably just for the two points. Anyways. Yes… Jigsaw is dead. Saw IV is probably the least believable of the series since we’re all wondering how its going on if he’s dead. If a movie series can “Jump the Shark” this is probably it. Still it’s probably brillant how in the end we realize 3 and 4 are happening at the same time. I mean the whole time I was thinking “What happened to the husband from Saw III?” until the end. The fact that you have questions is what they want: They want you to anticipate and see Saw V, which I’m pretty sure is the last one.Don’t forget Jigsaw is supposed to be a genius. So his “game” is more a game of chess. He’s thinking his moves and possible outcomes 10 steps ahead. The relationship between Jigsaw and Hoffman (the police detective who helped him) will probably be discussed in V. There’s a chance that maybe there’s no relationship and simply Hoffman became impressed by Jigsaw’s work he wanted to imitate it and teach Det Rigg a lesson. A lot of unanswered questions. Agent Strahm (the guy from Gilmore Girls” is still alive and locked in the freezer. Plus there’s a lot of victims left. Like what happened to the little girl from Saw III? Dr Gordon’s family? Daniel Matthews? Agent Perez? Maybe some of the victims or their families will comeback and play a role in V? There is talk that Dr Gordon is still alive too. I mean people survive from chopping a limb off and from electrution. I guess we’ll just see…..
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