Why do I have cancer at such a young age

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I’m so sorry to hear that. There is no one single cause for cancer. Scientists believe that it is the interaction of many factors that produces cancer. The factors involved may be genetic, environmental or constitutional characteristics. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-have-cancer-at-such-a-young-age ]
More Answers to “Why do I have cancer at such a young age
Why do they get cancer at such a young age?
The current theories are there’s probably a genetic predisposition to many types of cancers, and there needs to be some kind of genetic amount or injury that causes the child to develop a malignancy. Perhaps its’ a viral infection, perhaps …
Could I have colon cancer at such a young age?
It would be rare, but possible. Go to your doctor, even though it is scary. If it is caught early, whatever it is will be more likely treatable! ill say a prayer!
How did Jade Goody develop cancer at such a young age?
i don not think that age plays a part as we all have the potential for cancer although it is more likely the older you are but this does not rule out the young cta

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A: It is unlikely to be just one single factor, it’s a combination of things- some of it genetic (or a genetic predisposition). In Jade’s case, she had been having problems for a long while. Jade first had abnormal cells detected at 16, this is very unusual and it is also unusual for smear tests to be conducted in the first place at 16. There must have been some medical indication.Jade had also been symptomatic for a number of years and I read she had been collapsing on and off for the last few years- it does sound as though her cancer was well established long before it was discovered last year. 70% of cervical cancer cases are caused by the HPV (Human Papiloma Virus), by the time we are 65 years old, 70% of us will carry HPV (there are many different types, some are known to have a direct link with C/C.)Hopefully with the new HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Cervix) we should see the number of cervical cancer cases declining in the future. I also hope that Jade’s tragic story will highlight to women the importance of having regular smear tests and hopefully more parents will now agree to giving their child the cervical cancer vaccine.Cancer isn’t taking over our lives, cancer is indeed still rare. Jade’s case has been in the press from start to finish so it has created more awareness.
How come no religious believer has ever been able to explain why people die young?
Q: A young boy, 12, has cancer and dies. Why did God think to himself? Do you know what? Im a bit a bored today. Im going to kill this 12 year old. I think im going to kill this one, but not the others. I dont think he deserves a full shot at life. How many Sins can a 12 year old commit to warrant God killing him at such a young age?And suddenly the whole fabric and lies that religion is based on comes tumbling down …….To DJ: I thought God could do anything? Isnt that why he’s God. So hes all powerful, but cant cure cancer?? Sound like a pretty lame God to me.To Jett: I think id rather take my chances on earth than going to place that may not exist.if its so wonderful there, why dont you top yourself so you can get there sooner?
A: Hey that not a big deal to explain if u r a muslim….I am a muslim, so I can explain many things which most Scholar in religionus matters people just cant understand coz their religion just don’t explain any thing to them… anything about that!BUT mine does!Well!Our GOD has said that every person has to taste death[every soul has to leave its body]….& the life of every person[soul] is preplanedwhen to born, when to die…what accidents will happen to it, what good things will happen to it….every thing…DECIDED..by GOD…The place, date & time even the second, are all preplaned….Every soul has his account of good deeds & bad deeds….GOD has set the length on its life,….whether it does not do any sins,it will leave its body….sins have nothing to do with dieing….[as life & death time are preplaned…]
What is the burning sensation between my shoulder blades?
Q: My brother says I have bad posture and I researched, and I do not have any severe diseases, such as cancer, I believe not. I just have this horrible burning sensation between my shoulder blades and I get a stiff neck often, and it is just killing me. I am a 16-year-old teenager, why I got to suffer from this pain at such a young age? =[
A: This burning sensation between your shoulder blades is probably the rhomboid muscles being tight and in spasm. Bad posture can contribute to neck pain, upper back pain, stiff neck and sore shoulders and more. As a student, do you spend a lot of time studying or sitting with your head forward over your books? Inadverdently, you may even be slouching ! Especially if you have upper back sticks out. If you do, you are setting yourself up for bad posture. If you do this everyday it puts a tremendous amount of pressure on your back muscles and even more on your neck. The good news is that there are some simple things that you can do: 1] Try not to slouch when you are sitting at school or while studying- make sure your back is straight. A good idea is have a back rest or cushion on your chair- this will ensure that you can sit back comfortably and not slouch. A back rest will also put a slight curve in your spine which promotes good posture. Here is a good low back rest designed for the lumbar spine: http://www.arc4life.com/site/615058/product/SitBRst4002] Instead of having to flex your head forward while studying, raise your material to eye level- If you can stand your books up that would really help with the neck and upper back pain. 3] Exercises are important for your neck and upper back- here are some good ones for your neck – http://www.arc4life.com/site/615058/page/993935. Even exercises like Yoga will help. 4] Take breaks while you study5] Look at your backpack? Is it too heavy? Your backpack should weigh no more than 15 % of your body weight; So for example if you weigh 100 lbs, your backpack should weigh less than 15 lbs. There is a really good backpack called the Air Pack that your parents may want to check out: http://www.arc4life.com/site/615058/page/922975. Look for a backpack that evenly distributes the weight of the contents.6] Here is a stretch for your rhomboid muscle and upper back: Cross one arm in front of your body. Now use the opposite arm to squeeze into your body and above or below elbow joint. Hold this stretch for about 10-15 seconds. Hope this helps.
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