Why do they call a papsmear a papsmear

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Pap smear or Pap test is short for Papanicolaou test for cervical cancer by screening for premalignant and malignant cells. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-they-call-a-papsmear-a-papsmear ]
More Answers to “Why do they call a papsmear a papsmear
Is it common for the doctor to call two days after a pap smear?
A doctor will call once results are available. It is not cause for alarm. Thanks for using ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

HPV: My results are in! so why do I need to go in to hear them?
Q: A month ago my bf have little bumps on his staff that may have been HPV. He was prescribed some cream and ever since we’ve been using condoms and not relying on my pills. I went to the dr. to get checked and she said everything looked normal but she did a papsmear. She called me this morning, said she had the results, but wanted me to come in monday to “go over them” with me. Should I be worried?? Why wouldn’t she tell me over the phone? Could it be cancer?btw…she usually never calls back after i have a pap smear because it comes back fine, which makes me think somethings wrong
A: She probably wants to remind you to ALWAYS put a condom on him….and might give you some free condoms.They usually preach a little to single women who admit to having sex without condoms.
Should I report him?
Q: I went to the doctor for a pain in my private area. I was the first patient of the day and I was waiting 45 minutes before he saw me, because he was in the back talking on the phone. It wasnt anything medical either, I speak his language. When he finally was to see me he came in the room, and didnt even know why I was there. He tried to give me a papsmear when I just needed an external exam. The I requested a Gonorhea and Chlamydia urine test, and he would not give it to me. He did it papsmear style! I know you can do it by urine testing! Then he was not gentle, I feel like I was being abused. He was poking and prodding and did not even tell me why. My other doctor (Im out of town right now)announces everything before she does it. He hurt me! Also it has officially been a month and my results are not back yet! They keep telling me they will call me back, and they have yet too. Their bathroom did not have soap. They asked me to pee in a paper cup and write my name on it. I wantto report him to the board of health and I want my money back. I forgot to mention he went to touch me with out gloves and I pulled back.
A: Yes, I would report him. Just give all the facts, and not your opinion.
worried over nothing?
Q: I went in for my yearly papsmear.(every women should do) 2 days ago. Today I received a phone call saying that she wants me to go see her agin in 1 month. When i asked the receptionist why, all she said was she has a note saying to come back in 1 month for a blood pressure.If they found something irregular in my papsmear results she should have mentioned it right?and the doctor should call?.can it be just the blood pressure?.any help would be really appreciated.thanks
A: I’d call the doctor’s office back and ask to speak to a nurse. They really should give you details instead of worrying you.
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