Why doesn’t marijuana smoke cause lung cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why doesn’t marijuana smoke cause lung cancer”,you can compare them.

Studies suggest that marijuana smoke contains 50% higher concentrations of chemicals linked to lung cancer than cigarette smoke. Marijuana smokers also tend to inhale deeper than cigarette smokers and hold the inhaled smoke in their lungs longer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-doesn%27t-marijuana-smoke-cause-lung-cancer ]
More Answers to “Why doesn’t marijuana smoke cause lung cancer
Why doesn’t marijuana smoke cause lung cancer
Studies suggest that marijuana smoke contains 50% higher concentrations of chemicals linked to lung cancer than cigarette smoke. Marijuana smokers also tend to inhale deeper than cigarette smokers and hold the inhaled smoke in their lungs l…
How easy is it to get lung cancer from marijuana smoke??
Not med advice: We found that it does not raise lung cancer. However, it affects the person’s memory.

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Q: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/25/AR2006052501729.html.Quote * The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer. *
A: Because many people mix it with tabacco
Why are so many people ignorant about marijuana?
Q: It does not have any long term effects on the brain, it doesn’t cause lung cancer (not a single reported case of lung cancer caused by marijuana smoking), it is not a getway drug (most people who tried other drugs tried weed but that doesnt mean most people who tried weed tried other drugs, thats like saying most murderers go to jail so most people in jail are murderers). It can reduce nausea, reduce intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma, it can kill aging cells which may become cancerous, a study by NORML showed that when used with a vaporizer marijuana had no harmful effects.http://www.drugpolicy.org/marijuana/factsmyths/http://norml.com/index.cfm?Group_ID=7305And it can prevent Alzheimer’s.
A: I like cannabis; I also like studying it. I smoke it in moderation. The naysayers aren’t doing anything to hold me back from smoking it. Which I hope no one else as well. It’s the only drug I can stand. I hate alcohol and hard drugs with a passion. I love my Mary Jane. Thank you very much.
Does marijuana cause lung cancer?
Q: And does it have other long term effects? From what I have heard about it making you stupid, not able to properly “function,” etc., pretty much only applies to when you are actually high. So what are the other effects it has? Not stuff like trouble sleeping and headaches because we all know that isn’t true. But what about long term effects? Maybe provide some links that have the actual study on it? I know some people say it makes you stupid and that it will “ruin your life” but my dad makes over $180,000 p/year and that doesn’t seem like he is too stupid to me? He smoked bunches of pot. I am just trying to research it to really find out why people label it as such a bad thing. I have never heard of someone on the news killing someone because they were too high, or dying because of a weed overdose..hmm but alcohol is always involved in those types. I have used it for over a year now and haven’t had ANY negative experiences with it, nor have my family, friends, or myself noticed anything different about myself. I am going to a good college, I haven’t gained any weight, and I am an EXTREMELY motivated person who is working towards a masters in business…I just don’t understand where these people get all of their so-called “facts” from. Thanks!
A: watch the movie/documentary “the union: the business behind getting high.” i saw it on netflix’s instant watch list online.
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