Are apples or bananas better for you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Are apples or bananas better for you”,you can compare them.

Apples have less calories than bananas, so I would say they are better. They are both healthy though. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are apples or bananas better for you
Which is better, apples or bananas?
I like both but I think I prefer apples. Apples have a lot of fiber, keep you full, and are full of nutrients. Ever heard the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? My mom used to serve apple slices with cheddar cheese …
Which is better banana or apple?
Banana commercials state that bananas are quite possibly the worlds perfect food. I do not know if it is true but I haven’t seen an apple commercial state that. Then again an apple a day can keep the doctor away so they must be good as well…
Are apples and bananas good for lowering blood pressure??
I m also trying raw garlic. I would just like to know if anyone has experience on what other fruits and vegetables are good for lowering blood pressure. Thanks. I recently read that increasing your potassium intake can have as much effect a…

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is bananas better for diarreha than apples?? Also is bananas is fattening?
Q: When I travel and even at home, i have a very delicate stomach, i was wondering what is better if you have the runs to stop it, bananas or apples. Some say apples are fiber and usually bananas are given to baby when they have diarreha.Also is bananas fattening too??
A: Apples make you go due to the fiber and pectin in them.Bananas are better my mother used to say they were binding.I’ve used that idea for sixty years and I would have to say its valid.Anything is fattening if you eat too much of it.A couple of bananas a week will also provide potassium.Some people cannot tolerate the cellulose in fruits and vegetable, particularly in the amounts recommended in todays diets, for others its sugars or carbs, if you are travelling overseas a lot, or even here, a change in water could be giving you problems, even where sanitation is good, drink bottled water everywhere and use it for cooking where you can.
which do you like better apples bananas or oranges?
A: an apnanage!!! orange+apple+banana!!!this is xenia by the way myana.
Do you like apples or bananas better?
Q: Prefiero apples.
A: manzanasi think thats how u spell it hahaapples
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