Are oranges good

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Are oranges good”,you can compare them.

Oranges are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. They are a good source of dietary fiber and Vitamin C so they are good. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are oranges good
Are oranges good for dogs?
IMO, oranges are too acidic for dogs. My dogs all love all types of berries, they get occasional slices of apples, sometimes peaches, banana. Keep fruit in moderation because of the sugar content and too much will give your dog diarrhea. An…
Is orange juice good for you?
Yes. It contains a high amount of vitamin C. Some manufacturers add citric acid or ascorbic acid to their products, in addition to other nutrients such as Calcium and Vitamin D. Some nutritionists say that it is better to eat oranges whol…
Why are oranges good for your body?
Oranges contain vitamin c that regulate blood flow . It will make your hair black.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What components in oranges make them good repellents?
Q: What substances or components of oranges make them good repellents against insects? I would like to know how exactly they repel insects/pests. Any leads to the answer would be fine too. 😀 Thanks!
A: Repellents?? I know citronella is touted as a good repellent. I would imagine the aroma interfers with the mosquitos’ ability to sense CO2 and thus not be able to located the source……people. Citronella is not the same a citrus. Citronella is a groups of grasses, lemongrass being one example….used in cooking from Africa to Asia. Citrus oil and the more refined d-Limonene make good degreasers. Not only are they used in cleaning, they are also used in weed control where the “degreaser” destroys the outer covering of the plant, the cutin, and the plant dessicates. This same action can be applied (in a much more dilute formula) on soft bodied insects. Soaps do much the same thing, the citrus oil and d-Limonene is more effective as it works on fireant control. I have heard many people tout using citrus peel to repell insects. Since insects vary in how they “smell” or sense their environment, I would think the use would vary greatly.
How long are oranges good for?
Q: I have those mini oranges (cannot think of what they are called) and I just got back from vacation and trying to figure out what is still good!
A: You’re probably thinking of tangerines or clementines. When you get these from the supermarket, the skins are probably sealed with wax which prevents moisture loss. They should last about a month.
What kind of oranges are good for making orange cakes?
Q: I need to puree the oranges (peel and everything) with a blender. I don’t want to my cake to end up too bitter or too sour. What kind of oranges make the best orange cake?
A: Manadrin
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