Can I die from eating too much peanut butter

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Can I die from eating too much peanut butter”,you can compare them.

Eating to much peanut butter will not cause you to die. Eating to much of anything is bad and can lead to obesity that could cause health problems. I is also high in saturated fat. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can I die from eating too much peanut butter
Can u die of eating too much peanut butter?
You can die from eating too much of practically anything. I think it would take you a very long time to suffer malnutrition and die from eating only peanut butter, assuming you have water to drink as well. Peanut butter is fairly nutritious…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can dogs die from eating peanut butter?
Q: I know dogs can die from eating chocolate, but what about peanut butter? My aunt says everytime her dog’s stomach is hurting, she gives it peanut butter and the dog stops crying. She even showed me. The dog liked it, but I don’t know if I should give it to my dog. My dog is little. She is about twice the size of a chiwawa, but she’s still considered a small dog. So, can small dogs die from eating peanut butter?
A: No dogs love peanut butter…it’s perfectly ok to give them some now and then…not too much because it’s a fatty for them as for humans…DO NOT GIVE HIM CHOCOLATE…ONIONS….RAISINS OR GRAPES.
Can a bird die from eating Peanut butter?
Q: We’ll i wanted to make a treat for my birds by getting like a tbsp of peanut butter and rolling it in bird seeds, would this kill them? Their 8 Parrakeet’s (budgies) and 15 Cocktails. and if you have any “recipe’s” i guess for making treats at home can you share some with me? oh and they don’t like to eat fruit really, there scared of it……IKD why but they just are. what can i do to make them stop being scared of pieces of FRUIT too?
A: Peanut butter is one of a birds most favorite treats, it is not toxic to them. You need to put the fruits in small pieces in a bird cup and let them go to it them self’s. When they discover it is not going to jump out and eat them they will love it, like apples , nectarines, dried tropical fruits like mango, papaya, pineapple, and fresh cherries, they love almonds in the shell that is thin and half open.peanuts in the shell with out salt. They love fresh sweet potatoes. Scrambled eggs, not too often but occasionally. I have owned birds for over 15 yrs. and they all loved what I gave them as treats. I use the millet sprays as treats to.
does a dog die from eating peanut butter?
Q: my sister asked me if a dog dies from eating peanut butter shes stupid sometimes.
A: NOoooo! They love it. It’s a bit fattening for them, just make sure they get their exercise!
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