Can you drink alcohol while breast feeding

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you drink alcohol while breast feeding”,you can compare them.

Current medical experts recommend that a breastfeeding mother should not drink more than 1-2 units of alcohol per week. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you drink alcohol while breast feeding
Can you drink alcohol while breast feeding?
I recently asked this question – cuz my cousin breastfed her 6 month old while drinking wine. I got loads of people to say that it’s perfectly fine, so long as it’s one glass and BLAH BLAH BLAH apparently scientific research has proven it i…
How much alcohol can I drink while breastfeeding?
Whether you are breastfeeding or not, women are advised to drink no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, and no more than two to three units in any one day. Units are standard amounts of alcohol. As a rough guide, the following drinks cont…
Should women drink non-alcoholic beer while pregnant or breast-fe…?
An alcohol content of 0.4 % vol has no effect on the body and is regarded as completely harmless. Fruit juices often contain the same level of alcohol. Erdinger Non-Alcoholic can even be a valuable dietary component for pregnant women – i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it okay to drink alcohol while breast feeding?
Q: if i were to drink…when will the alcohol be out of my system in order for me to be able to breast feed again…?
A: The correct mantra is “Too drunk to drive, too drunk to nurse.” 1-2 drinks do not severely incapacitate the average adult, and 1-2 is my limit if I am nursing within 2-3 hours. Alcohol is NOT stored in your breast milk, despite what some may say, so pumping and dumping is pointless in this case.
Can you drink alcohol while breast feeding?
A: I recently asked this question – cuz my cousin breastfed her 6 month old while drinking wine.I got loads of people to say that it’s perfectly fine, so long as it’s one glass and BLAH BLAH BLAH apparently scientific research has proven it is okay.If you ask me, it is not – all this “research” has only been done to cater to alcoholic people’s whims! So that there is a scientific EXCUSE to drink – “science says it’s okay then it must be.” “Because science says so i can continue drinking.” It’s been proven one and a million times that alcohol for an unborn and new born is not good!! If a normal healthy adult can barely stand drinking imagine what a tiny body has to go through when it has alcohol go through its tiny system!True story: My dentist, (family friend) I remember had his 3 month old in his arms while we were out having a backyard barbecue…(he has 2 other children) i clearly remember him giving his 3 month old sips of beer and not one or two – various on different occassions.. and oh everyone laughed and thought it was cool.. That 3 month old is now 15 and has severe autism, (his siblings are perfectly normal) this guy has so many social and learning difficulties – it’s unbelievable. You be the judge.EDIT: Thumbs down from the alcoholics – can’t ever be told that drinking is wrong!!! Boohoo!!!
drinking alcohol while breast feeding…?
Q: I had a couple of beers yesterday and was wondering if i am i still able to breast feed? As in, will it be safe for my baby? Do i have to wait a couple of days or can i no longer breast feed?
A: Any doctor will tell you that you shouldn’t drink while breastfeeding, however, it is a proven fact that the baby will not recieve the toxins if when you stop drinking for the day you wait one hour for every drink you consumed to continue breastfeeding. I will be honest, I drink ocasionally and followed this rule and never noticed a single change in my son. Don’t worry hun, tons of people will tell u that you are terrible for this and i think that is just ridiculous. drinking on occasion does NOT make you a bad mother.
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