Can you eat pigeon

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you eat pigeon”,you can compare them.

Yes! Pigeon can be eaten . When used in a recipe it is call “squab”. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you eat pigeon
What do Pigeons eat?
Pigeons are scavengers and eat waste food and scraps in towns and cities. More people are choosing to buy from “fast food” outlets and to eat their snacks and meals outdoors. The amount of food spillage and litter containing food …
Baby Pigeon Help.. What do they eat?
First things first. Call a wildlife rehabber or a vet that takes wildlife in your area and they or you can bring to rehabber. Why did you bring this baby home? Was it in danger or hurt? If it was on the ground then it is a fledgling and…
Do pigeon eat meat?
Yes! They do. I have chickens and pigeons in an aviary. Besides the proper food which I buy at the feed store and contains all the grain and vitamins, we feed them leftovers. Sometimes there are pieces of meat included and the chickens as w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it safe to eat pigeon eggs?
Q: This morning I found my pigeon trying to incubate an egg. Since she has no male companion, I was wondering if it would be safe to eat the egg? I took her to the vet about a month ago and she was given a clean bill of health.
A: Ignore the people with no knowledge. Yes, it’s perfectly safe to eat your pigeon’s eggs. In fact, they are delicious. Pigeon eggs taste like chicken ones, but there is a big difference that sometimes puts people off of them. When they are boiled, the “white” doesn’t go white. It becomes translucent and you can still somewhat see the yolk inside. I’ve often used pigeon eggs that were extra in baking; boiling, etc., but when I’ve boiled them I usually use them in a Chinese recipe which calls for also re-frying them with a covering of flour and then putting them together with mushrooms and a sauce. Don’t bother asking for the recipe, I’ve long since misplaced it. However, checking for pigeon egg recipes on Chinese cooking sites should get you something close.Now, having said that – let’s worry about your hen. If you are going to swipe her eggs, and that’s perfectly okay, put two wooden ones under her if she’s sitting on them. The reason for this is that she’s likely sight-mated with you (treating you like her mate). If you just take the eggs away, she will try to get back to nest again too soon. What you want to do is to let her sit on her wooden eggs at least 10 days before you take them away again. This will slow her down and not let her get too tired. You can buy the dummy eggs at any of the pigeon supply companies that you can find on line (check here for some links: )Also, if she’s laying, make sure that she has an adequate supply of calcium so that she doesn’t begin to lay soft shelled eggs and/or go off her legs and become somewhat paralyzed with calcium deficiency.Make sure that she’s got plenty of oyster shell or other calcium rich material in her grit or separate, and then enjoy your meal.
Can you eat pigeon eggs you find in the city?
Q: a pigeon laid two eggs on top of our window . can you eat those eggs?
A: Well, if you really wanted too no harm can come as long as you cook them.. go for it
What do pigeons eat and if the dad leaves the mom pigeon and the eggs, will all the other pigeons die?
Q: There is this family of pigeons at my work building. The dad wa helping the mom build a nest fro the babies. We think the dad died and we are not sure if the mom can make it on her own to raise the kids. Please help. Best answer will be chosen to most detailed and helpful.
A: Pigeons eat pretty much anything, mainly seeds and bugs and any vegetable/fruit type food. The pigeons will more than likely survive, the mother may have a bit of a problem with feeding the chicks all by herself but she should be alright. Normally the male will take turns sitting on the eggs and feeding the chicks.If you want to help, you may leave a pile of twigs or other nesting material nearby along with some seed to help the mother. There is a chance she may starve as they are very dedicated and will stay sitting on their eggs until their mate returns. She should be fine though.
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