Do fat turn into muscle

Health related question in topics Biology Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Do fat turn into muscle”,you can compare them.

It is a complete myth that you can turn fat into muscle. Thanks for the question! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do fat turn into muscle
How to Turn Fat into Muscle
・ 1 To burn fat you need to eat less calories than you burn. Only through this calorie deficit will your… ・ 2 To burn even more calories, you should be engaging in some sort of cardiovascular exercise 3-5 times… ・ 3 Building muscle is o…
Does muscle turn into fat?
Muscle tissue and fat tissue are dissimilar in all but the most basic cellular aspects. The basic contractile unit of muscle is the sarcomere, which is composed of alternating thick and thin filaments that slide past each other when the neu…
Does fat turn into muscle?
Fat does not turn into muscle. If you begin working out a lot, your body turns it into ENERGY. However, if you build muscle it requires sustenance and energy that it can take FROM your fat. Ever hear people talk about workouts that combin…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Best medicine to turn fat into muscle?
Q: I would say I have about the right amount of fat to turn into muscle. 5’9 185 lbs…My legs and arms are in great shape, it’s just the middle I need to focus on. Recommend a decent drug that supports what I’m looking for.
A: fat will not turn into muscle, you have to burn fat and build muscle by exercising.
Will my fat turn into muscle when I start working out?
Q: I’m overweight now and I would like to start getting into better shape. If I do a lot of strength training, will the fat on my arms, for example, turn into muscle so then my arms stay the same size and I’m doomed to have big arms forever?! Or will the fat go away completely and then muscle will start to form?Thanks for any help!
A: No you will burn your fat, build the muscle and you will eventually get smaller. BUT you have to be careful of what you eat so you can lose that fat. I worked out like a mad lady, and didn’t diet, so I built loads of muscle and the fat stayed ON TOP of the muscle. I was that way, very strong but also large for a couple of years before I started doing cardio and watching what I put in my mouth. The fat eventually went away and under it was a nice lean and toned body. But to avoid having to work twice as long, make sure you eat clean healthy food that will help you to lose fat while gaining muscle.BUT also don’t watch the scale too closely during the time you are gaining muscle and losing fat, it may discourage you because muscle is heavier. So measure yourself (arms, hips, calves, thighs, chest, stomach) when you start, Keep a list, write it down, and keep measuring often, this is the best way to see the fat come off as the scale may not always tell you the truth.I lost 49 inches from head to toe. I am a fitness instructor now and try to spread it around 🙂 Loving changing peoples lives.
Does your fat turn into muscle when you work out?
Q: I weigh about 154 pounds .. & I’ve been working out lately cause I really wanna lose some weight … like doing sit ups and running daily. But I wanted to know if my stomach fat would turn into muscle by me doing sit ups? Like I wanna get slimmer. I don’t wanna have stomach muscle… so yeah if you know anything or have any tips like please answer my question 🙂 thanks.
A: Never! Your fat cells are just that – cells. Think of them as storage vessels, or “balloons”. When our bodies store excess calories (energy), it fills these vessels. When we burn body-fat, we are “draining” the vessel, but the cell itself will ALWAYS remain, even if it’s empty.”Where” body fat cells are created, is based on genetics. Once a fat cell is created – it can not be moved, or removed without radical surgery. We can only control it’s volume.Sit ups and other exercises will help tone muscles (and only muscles). To reduce body fat, you need to look seriously at your current diet, and do more “Aerobic” (meaning with Oxygen) / Cardio (meaning heart) type workouts or activities.
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