Do you gain weight from drinking beer

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Do you gain weight from drinking beer”,you can compare them.

Yes, drinking beer will indeed add fat and overall weight to your body, if you drink enough of it, on a regular basis. Thanks! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you gain weight from drinking beer
Does drinking beer make you gain weight?
NO. No more than drinking soda anyhow. The beer belly is a myth. You can never touch a beer and develop the very same “beer belly”. That’s caused by a high-calorie diet. Mainly bar food. Yeah, if you drink like eight beers a day, …
How much weight will you gain from drinking beer?
Weight Gain from Beer It depends on how much you drink (and how much you exercise). Beer is empty calories, most have 100-200 calories per serving. See the related question for more details on specific beers. Plus you have to take in the mu…
Can drinking beer gains weight?
I am sure that you could, i dont really know for sure. But i do know my unlce almost died from being alcholic and when he was in the hospital he was HUDGE, lol so i am sure tht could help you gain a lil wait. If you dnt mind me asking, usle…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

do girls gain weight from drinking lots of beer?
Q: myself, i drink lots of beer. i havent really gained much weight. so my scale says. but i can notice a difference? not huge. but i know i have.also, drinking lots of vodka or hard drinks. does this cause weight gain aswell?
A: yes you willbeer contains a large quantity of that alcohol tends to slow down your metabolism.both elements are key to weight gain
will i gain weight from drinking 2 cans of beer?
Q: this the first time i drank beer.. i had San Mig Lights.. it’s like a low calorie beer.. so anyways.. i was just wondering if it would effect me in anyways.. i am a boxer/ athlete.. i had two cans earlier.. but it’s my first time and i dont think i’ll be drinking beer till like i dunno? months or years from now? or in other words.. i dont plan on drinking beer anytime soon..please tell me what are the side effects.. at the moment i am under the impression that i wont punch as good anymore and i gained weight.. because they say beer makes your belly bigger..sorry this is my first beer please answer my innocent questions.. thank you.
A: It won’t affect your boxing abilities at all, and you won’t gain weight from it.You would need to start drinking on a regular basis to hurt yourself like that. The beer belly is sort of a myth. I believe that the cause of the beer belly is people who sit at home and drink a lot of beer don’t lead healthy lives otherwise. What I mean is, even if they stopped drinking beer they’d still be fat. You have someone who is not exercising and probably eating a lot of fattening food. When you are drunk, you tend to eat more than you would normally. You also don’t make great choices, and would choose a whole large pizza over just about anything else. Anyways, the calories in beer are generally less than a soda, so why is beer blamed for making people fat?
Does drinking liquor make you get fat/gain weight like drinking beer does?
Q: I generally drink 4-6 beers, or 1-2 shots of wisky or cognac. Does the liquor have the same negative effects on my physique?
A: not if you throw up a lot. just really depends on how much you drink and what you drink it with. liquor tends to be very high in sugars.
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