Does apples help you loose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does apples help you loose weight”,you can compare them.

Yes! Apples have pectin fiber which decreases blood-sugar levels, helping you avoid between-meal snacking. Recently, it was found that pears have more of this fiber, so while apples will help you lose weight, a pear will help more. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does apples help you loose weight
Do apples help you loose weight?
Well they won’t help you “lose” weight but they are a healthier choice of snack. If you substitute apples as a snack instead of unhealthy foods such as chips, then of course the apples will definitely promote weightloss. Eating he…
Can eating apples help you loose weight?
There are 2 ways to loose weight – eat less, or burn more, calories. If apples replace a higher calorie food, that is eating less calories.
Does eating apples for breakfast help you loose weight??
you need good carbs and protein for breakfast, so no

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