Does drinking alcohol cause you to gain weight

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Like any other food or beverage, alcohol contains calories and can be fattening. A beer has 150-200 calories, so drink water! Have a conundrum? Ask ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does drinking alcohol cause you to gain weight
Will drinking alcohol cause me to gain weight?
One afternoon with a few drinks will not cause you to gain weight (fat). Some drinks can make you feel bloated the next day and if you drink TOO much you could become dehydrated. That said wine coolers don’t have much acohol but contain a m…
Can Drinking Alcohol Cause Weight Gain?
As another weekend comes to an end and I think back on the alcohol that I have consumed. I wonder just how I much I would weigh or indeed whether I would ever need to watch my weight if I hadn’t had so much to drink. As I reflect on this on…
Is drinking more alcoholic beverages the cause of weight gain??
Alcohol and age slowing down our metabolism. Alcohol is just empty calories and nutrient lacking. If your body is not getting the proper nutrients to maintain your muscle mass, then your metabolism slows down. More muscle equals more faster…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does drinking alcohol cause people to gain weight?
Q: What’s the biochemical reason?
A: there is no technical ‘biochemical’ reason – it is very simple – alcohol is very high in calories
can drinking alcohol cause weight gain?
Q: I usually drink 1 glass of wine every night plus a beer in the afternoon. Would that cause weight gain?
A: Yes it does..
Will drinking alcohol cause me to gain weight?
Q: This past week, I have been dieting. All i’ve been drinking was water, and I lost 10 pounds. I know it’s all water weight, but I’m very happy with my results so far, and will continue to diet. Today, I will be at a party where social drinking will occur. Not binge drinking, but social drinking, where I was thinking of downing a few wine coolers over the day but not a whole lot. Will this cause me to gain my weight back if it’s only today, and I only have about…2 or 3?
A: One afternoon with a few drinks will not cause you to gain weight (fat). Some drinks can make you feel bloated the next day and if you drink TOO much you could become dehydrated. That said wine coolers don’t have much acohol but contain a mass amount of sugar. Iv’e seen more people get sick on those than anything. I would opt for a couple low carb beers (michelob ultra) or a wine spritzer (wine mixed with sparkling water or gingerale) instead. Also, drink a glass of water in between each drink. This will help you to not get a hangover and keep you from getting wasted. Hope you have fun!Cynthia
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